Friday, September 30, 2011


REIKI PVPAR Upasana literally means “sitting close to God”. It is also refers to a body of practices prescribed in sacred texts for worship. REIKI PVPAR Upasana is thus the effort undertaken by a REIKI HEALING as an expression of his love and yearning for union with  the divine ENERGY OF THE REIKI.

According to the scriptures, the benefits of regular upasana are manifold. Worship GOD. REIKI PVPAR  ENERGY BY RECEB AND GIVE REIKI cleanses the heart and stabilizes the mind. Communing with the divine fills the HEALING devotee with pure love and destroys extreme and negative behaves,.encourages the mind to contemplate itself, an inward turning that eventually frees the soul from the cycle of rebirth.

We are what we think upon – by this analogy, REIKI ENERGY PVPAR upasana brings together the worshipper and the worshipped. REIKI  Upasana is an essential component in spiritual advancement and importantly, open to all kinds of people.

REIKI PVPAR Upasana distinguishes the human HIGH NATURE beings from LOW NATURE – while hunger, thirst, sexual desire, sleep and fear. REIKI UPASANA consciousness is present only in HIGH NATURE. Thus, those who live only by the dictates of their sensual and  EAT MEET needs without performing upasana are no better than animals, though they wear the appearance of humans.

Two ways to practice REIKI  PVPAR upasana. practice veganism is FOLLOW AND PRACTICE DE RVPAR GIVE AND RECEB REIKI and Worship through meditating upon religious idols or pictures, kirtana (singing the Lord’s names), offering flowers, chanting mantras, service to all living beings in the name of the Lord, all these and more are Saguna-upasana or a concrete form of prayer. Nirguna-upasana or meditation upon the formless, abstract GOD constitutes practices like mental chanting (Om japa) and intense meditation; it is the more difficult of the two as it demands single-minded effort and relinquishing all material attachments.



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