Saturday, September 10, 2011


Habits to live more envitonmentally includes the practice
of veganism

To maintain sustainable habits and not let only as a promise to do something better for the planet, veganism and some ways to make your life greener.
Following the tips you reduce their individual emissions of greenhouse gases contributing to the environment locally and globally. Through small changes can do a lot for our future and the future of all species.
The first step in gaining a more sustainable life can be given at home, the choice of cleaning products you use. Alternatives such as sodium homemade, lemon and vinegar can replace traditional cleaning products that are often toxic to the environment. If choose to buy instead of making their own, choose those that are biodegradable and avoid those with phosphate in their composition.
The plastic kills thousands of animals each year in addition to pollute the environment. The biodegradable paper though has environmental and economic disadvantages in their manufacture, so choose cloth bags to carry your purchases.
For the consumer prefers the recycled paper that consumes 70% to 90% less energy than usual as well as saving our forests.
Reuse plastic bottles when they can not be replaced or choose squeezes and mugs to quench your thirst. In addition to be cheaper you avoid disposal in the environment. For other products containing plastic packaging choose the larger, preferably with a refill; small packs is synonymous with waste water, fuel and natural resources.
Save energy. There are several ways to save energy at home, one of them is to use a thermos with ice water and ice cubes, this option avoids the open-close the fridge and provide cold water for a whole day. When cooking remove all ingredients from the fridge at once.

Keep your refrigerator away from the stove because the heat, the refrigerator needs to consume more energy to offset the increase in temperature. Defrost your refrigerator or freezer too old for the ice causes cold air to circulate under the unit is needed to offset higher energy expenditure or consider switching device. The new appliances consume up to half the energy compared to older models.
Replace incandescent bulbs with fluorescent ones who spend 60% less energy. Remove the outlet devices rather than leaving in standby mode because it consumes 15 to 40% power even when turned off.
Participate in virtual actions. The internet is a good weapon to raise awareness and mobilize people. Make business meetings via video conference for meetings fifteen minutes instead of face. You avoid the traffic, carbon emissions, stress plus save money and save the environment. Turn off your computer if you stay more than two hours without using it and monitor for 15 minutes. The man most responsible for energy consumption is the computer monitor, the LCD is more economical.
Turn off air conditioning at a time of close of business, the daily savings of 12.5% ​​represents the equivalent of saving nearly a month later in the year. Maintain your equipment, a dirty air conditioning represents 158 kg of CO2 in the atmosphere over a year.The ceiling fan uses 90% less energy, combining the use of two can also be a good option for this set the minimum air conditioning and turn on the fan.
Immediately remove the clothes from the washing machine when they are clean and hang them on the clothesline instead of using the dryer, so clothes will be less wrinkled saving energy and time to work through. To wash dishes and clothes try to use warm or cold water, and use the machines when they are full, if you can not use half the capacity and select the lowest power mode.
Choose appliances with improved energy efficiency. The devices have the seal Procel national and imported the Energy Star label.
It is very difficult to save water in our daily activities.Just turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth, cut a few minutes the bath preferably shower instead of baths that consume up to four times more energy and water, do not let children play with water, install valves to regulate the discharge amount of water released and the hotels, choose to change sheets and towels every three days.

To maintain an environmentally friendly kitchen is the first step in maintaining the exemption and refrigerator organized. This contributes to a better planning of the shopping list by avoiding unnecessary expenses, food waste and energy. Make breadcrumbs with stale bread and salad with not very fresh fruit instead of dismissing them.
Cover your pots while you cook and enjoy more heat. Simmer, because the more you turn the heat will not cook your food quickly because the water does not exceed 100 ° C in a common pot.Eat less meat and no foods derived from animal breeding is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in addition to demand large amounts of water in its production. Choose fresh rather than frozen and canned.
The frozen food is more expensive and consumes more energy to be produced and canned produce more waste. Avoid asking saving takeout packaging used. Buy organic products and encourage trade so that prices fall. These foods animais.Os respect the life of organic vegetables do not contaminate the soil and the environment, and are much healthier. Vegans often only restaurants that encourage this kind of power.
Compost organic material left over, reducing waste and landfill methane emissions in the atmosphere. In addition to reducing the problem you will have a beautiful and healthy garden. Make selective collection of recyclable materials and if there is no service in your neighborhood look a collection station. Cooking oil is often played in the sink, but each liter of oil comes to pollute one million gallons of water.There are only specific collection points to collect this material.
Use only batteries and rechargeable batteries or batteries instead of common. Do not switch the phone if it is still fully operational. Appliance parts use petroleum products and heavy metals in their batteries.

Be sustainable if consumption does not mean that we are prohibited from making purchases but we can opt for more durable products, check that it is and what the ecological impacts of their disposal.
When buying a car for example, choose the model more environmentally friendly, emitting less pollutants such as flex or cars powered by ethanol. Despite the questions about alcohol being less polluting than gasoline or not, part of the carbon dioxide emitted by burning it is reabsorbed by their own sugar cane planted. Smaller cars and 1.0 engine pollutes less. Keep your car tuned, walk more than ride public transportation or offer.

Be environmentally responsible, plant a tree in your neighborhood, protect a forest, water the plants at night or early morning, so you prevent the water is lost to evaporation, and also prevents thermal shock that can harm your plants, let about the environmental policy of the companies that you hire and consider the impact of their investments.
These things are very simple to be practiced, just pay attention to them and strive to make a little difference in the world's future.

PRACTICE OF SUSTAINABLE  SEX AMONG THE BIRTH OF CONTRLOLER human and nonhuman is also a way to alleviate the overpopulation PLANET responsible for much EMISSION OF GREENHOUSE GASES, besides being possible offer better life to all.

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