Saturday, February 12, 2011


American writer cruelty of livestock research and encourages VEGANISMThe The The

In his marathon of research, Jonathan Safran Foer discovered horrifying details, especially about the way animals are treated and slaughtered. He also noted that genetic engineering, in front of an unbridled desire to produce more succulent animals, caused significant deformities in several species.

Image: Greenhouse. Meat Market: Hunting (the meat market: hunting), Oscar Oiwa: animal agriculture increases more global warming pollution than cars

The most interesting point of this debate is the relationship that people develop with animals: dogs and cats awaken compassion, why is not the case with cows, chickens and fish? "No reader of this book would tolerate someone swinging a pickax in the face of a dog," he writes."Nothing would be as obvious or less in need of explanation. Is this morally concern inapplicable to fish, or is that we're fools for having this absolute obsession with the dogs?"

The writer also considers that animal agriculture contributes to global warming with more than 40% of all means of transportation in the world combined. Thus, it is the No. 1 cause of climate change. Needless to note that Foer and his wife and children joined in the final to vegetarianism. The attitude, moreover, was already noticed when they were in Paraty, in 2006, guests Flip - dinner in honor of the writers, they preferred to fish and salads to juicy red meat.

Also Oskar Schell, the talented boy who is the main character of Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, is described as vegetarian. Still, Foer does not defend her new book as a bible of vegetarianism, as explained in the following interview by telephone from New York.

How was the research process?

I talked to many people, friends, students, researchers, farmers, and nearly all showed a very shallow knowledge about how are animals raised for slaughter. So, I directed my research and wrote the book not as a pamphlet in favor of vegetarianism, but as a kind of reporting on the operation of the industry that are the creators of beef farms, where, in most cases, the animals live cloistered, without contact with sunlight and also touching the ground. Animals treated with drugs that make them grow faster than normal. On this account, you can not respect people who call themselves vegetarian but eat meat only on weekends, or worse, they do not want to think about.

Do you think there can be a balance between the nutritional need for meat, especially in the infant stage, and control in animal husbandry?

No, because they simply do not need to eat meat, whatever the age. We eat meat because we like, not because we must. In fact, probably we would live better without that kind of power.We would also have the chance to feed more people in the world, if we abandoned or at least turned down our animal agriculture.

But you really believe this could happen?

It is a gradual change. Statistics show that increasing the number of people eating less meat each year. This is exciting. Another important detail is that the media has been continuously reporting on more details about the meat industry, which helps in spreading.

VEGANISM is still marked by stereotypes such as being practiced only by hippies?

Yes, seems to be a practice restricted to college students and hippies. But this too has changed - besides being a personal choice, vegetarianism leads to a consensus that the industry is cruel to animals grow. And the good thing is that information flow even among non-vegetarians.

By the way, what do you think of celebrities defend the cause? Actress Natalie Portman, for example, which was already a vegetarian, became more radical after reading his book.

Well, that's cool. The strength of the book has been awakening discussions.I did not intend to cause the meat lovers, vegetarian either swell the ranks - would arouse people's attention on the origin of their food. And attitudes like Natalie contributed.

His experience with non-fiction should continue?

I think not. That was an answer to my questions about how to raise my child. My land is fiction. I am even sketching the first lines of my next book, but do not ask me, it's not worth anything.


Natalie Portman

A favorite actress Oscar this year confessed that after reading Foer's book, became a vegetarian more radical.

Paul McCartney

He became a vegetarian on a fishing trip: "I noticed the fish's life was so important to him as mine is to me."

Brigitte Bardot

The former actress protested against the killing of baby seals, the hunting of wolves, and the habit of eating dogs, horses and other animals.


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