Thursday, June 16, 2011


Veganism and Reiki Meditation is the big tools Awakening to Soul Consciousness 

Most people go through life never understanding who they really are as a spiritual being. As a result, they search endlessly in religious organizations, personal growth workshops, meditation and other spiritually oriented disciplines and read countless books and spiritual magazines and trying to discover who they really are.  VEGANISM AND REIKI MEDITATION are BIG tools for understanding that will help those on the PATH of awakening to remember 'who' they 'really' are as an immortal soul and 'why' WE are here in the earth experience  to awakening to soul consciousness. 

The lifelong for those consciously on a spiritual journey is to discover the true meaning to life and why we experience certain events and relationships along the pathway. VEGANISM AND REIKI MEDITATION is a path  to Awakening to Soul Consciousness,we are spiritual beings called souls embodied in the earth school  and earth hospital to remember who we are through the HEALING and lessons experiences of our current and past lifetimes. The concept of consciousness as the energy of creation is explored along with the makeup of the soul as revealed throughAttributes of the Soul. There are millions of souls walking the planet today who are rapidly awakening to the truth of who they are and born Vegan or become  Vegan.. Reiki Meditationo and veganism THIS COMBINATION help us to  find who and why' we are as a soul, with specific REIKI ENERGYguidance on accelerating the awakening process.


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