Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Animals can absolutely be treated and comforted with Reiki energy. No one
knows exactly what an animal experiences during a Reiki session, but something
in them seems to let go and relax. They normally will become very still and
seem to sense that something very special is taking place, and gratefully take
the energy in.

Animals respond very well to Reiki, and just like humans, Reiki can be used for all
types of illnesses, injuries and emotional problems. Reiki can accelerate the healing
process of animals, ease pain, and improve or help to continue their quality of life.

The healing principles of Reiki are the same whether you are treating
a family member, your neighbor, a complete stranger, or an animal. The Reiki
energy flows just the same in all cases.
Animal anatomy is very similar to human anatomy, so you can usually judge
hand positions fairly easily if you are trying to treat specific organs.

It is very unusual to encounter an animal who will not readily accept Reiki.
In addition, they usually show you by their body positions where to place
your hands; be aware of how they turn their body towards your hands. As with humans,
if you find an area on an animal that seems to draw a lot of energy, spend more time
on that area.
Reiki can delay the onset and progression of certain diseases in animals, and can energize and revitalize older animals. For dying animals, Reiki is a powerful yet gentle way to provide comfort, relief from pain, fear, and anxiety, and to ease the transition to death

Reiki practitioners know that Reiki affects body, spirit and soul, and as such it isvery good to use on pets with behavior problems or those with signs of abuse.Understand that abused pets won't usually want to be touched at first. Try talkingto them in a soothing voice. Use slow movements, and try beaming Reiki to the animal.Once they feel the Reiki energy they tend to calm down, sometimes very quickly.Pets, especially cats and dogs, will usually remain lying down during the Reikisession for as long as they need the healing. When they've had enough they usually willstand up or move away. Normally, 20 to 30 minutes or less depend the situation is plenty for an animal.


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