DID YOU KNOW THAT Each sip of milk provides you with:
Pituitary hormones (PRL, GH, TSH, FSH, LH ACTH Oxytocin)
Steroid hormones (Estradiol, Estriol, Progesterone, Testosterone,
17-Ketosteroids, Corticosterone, Vitamine D)
Hypothalamic hormones (TRH, LHRH, Somatostatin, PRL-inhibiting
factor, PRL-releasing factor, GnRH, GRH)
Thyroid and Parathyroid hormones (T3, T4, rT3, Calcitonin,
Parathormone, PTH peptide)
gastrointestinal peptides (Vasoactive intestinal peptide, Bombesin,
Cholecystokinin, Gastrin, Gastrin inhibitory peptide, Pancreatic
peptide, Y peptide, Substance P and Neurotensin)
Growth Factors (IGF's (I and II), IGF binding proteins, Nerve growth
factor, Epidermal growth factor and TGF alpha, TGF beta, Growth
Inhibitors MDGI and MAF, and Platelet derived growth factor
Others... (PGE, PGF2 alpha, cAMP, cGMP, Delta sleep inducing
peptide, Transferrin, Lactoferrin, Casomorphin and Erythropoietin
In Short...
Growth hormones, fat, cholesterol, allergenic proteins, blood, pus, antibiotics, bacteria, virus and more as it is sponsored, in part, by Monsanto, WestAgro, and Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc..
Did you know that...
* Milk is the foundation of heart disease and the explanation for America's number one killer.
Milk is the reason that one out of six American women will develop cancer of the breast.Twenty-five million American women over the age of forty have been diagnosed with bone crippling arthritis and osteoporosis. These females have been drinking in excess of two pounds of milk per day for their entire adult lives. Why are their doctors blind to the fact that drinking milk does not prevent osteoporosis?Calcium in milk is not adequately absorbed and milk consumption is the probable cause of osteoporosis.Milk is responsible for allergies, colic, colitis, earaches, colds and congestion in young children. Research indicates that one bovine protein in milk destroys the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas, causing diabetes.60% of America's dairy cows have leukemia virus. Is it wise to eat the flesh or drink body fluids from diseased animals?The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) used to allow a small amount of antibiotics in milk. FDA scientists recognized that consumers should not be drinking a fluid containing antibiotics. In 1990, the one part per hundred-million antibiotic residue in milk standardwas increased by one-hundred times to one part per million. As a result, new strains of bacteria developed, immune to the 52 different antibiotics found in milk. Antibiotics no longer work because Americans have been drinking milk and eating dairy productscontaining increased amounts of these powerful drugs and, in addition, new strains of emerging diseases.Beer bellies are indeed making a comeback in America. According to the Food Consumption, Prices and Expenditures, 1996, Statistical Bulletin Number 928, published by the USDA, the average American consumed 24 gallons of beer in 1994. That works out to less than 8 1/2 ounces of beer per day. Total milk and dairy products consumed per capita in 1994 equaled 26 ounces per day, more than triple the amount of beer. One 12 ounce glass of beer contains 144 calories and no fat. On the other hand, a 12 ounce glass of milk contains 300 calories and 16 grams of fat. It seems that beer is taking a bad rap. Protruding stomachs on overweight people should be called milk bellies, not beer bellies.
When we drink milk we are taking in the most powerful growth hormone naturally produced in our own bodies. However, this growth hormone in milk is safeguarded by naturally occurring mechanisms unique to milk. That hormone is called Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and it is identical (70 amino acids, same gene sequence) in cows and humans.Milk is not Human food in any sense of the imagination and is actually deadly. Stop buying their lies and take back your health. NO DAIRY, ever, ever again, Exerrts from Robert Cohen's book, "Milka deadly poison"
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