One day the bank of a tranquil lake Lone, whose margin rose leafy trees with fragrant flowers of a thousand colors and dotted with nests where songbirds chirped, met brothers four elements: fire, air, water and land.- How long without seeing each other in our nakedness early - said the fire full of excitement, as is his nature. It is true - said the air. - It is a curious fate and ours. At the expense of both the forms and pay to build more ways we become slaves to our work and we lose our freedom. - Do not complain - he said the water - because we are obeying the law, and is a pleasure to serve the Divine Creation. On the other hand, do not lose our freedom, you run from one side to another at will, the brother fire, in and out everywhere serving life and death. I do the same. - In any case, it's me who should I complain - said the land - because I'm always still, and even without my will go round and round without rest in the same space. - Do not grieve my happiness at seeing us - again said the fire - with discussion superfluous. It's better we often celebrate these moments when we find out of shape. Let us rejoice in the shade of the trees and the margin of this lake formed by our union. Everyone cheered and gave themselves the most happy companionship.Each one told what he had done during his long absence, the wonders he had built and destroyed. Each one was proud to have provided for the Life was manifested through forms ever more beautiful and more perfect. And more rejoiced, thinking of times in the crowd joined in a fragmented for your work. In the midst of such great joy, there was a cloud, man. Ah! as he was ungrateful. They had it built at his finest and purest materials, and the man was abusing them, losing them. They had the desire to withdraw their cooperation and deprive him of performing their experiences in the physical. But the cloud dissipated and the joy returned to reign among the four brothers. Approaching the point of breaking up, thought about leaving a memory that perpetuated through the ages the happiness of their meeting. Decided to create something special, consisting of fragments of each harmonically combined, was also the expression of their differences and independence, and serve as a symbol and example for man. There are many projects that were abandoned because they were incomplete and insufficient. Finally, reflecting on the lake, the four said:- And if we build a plant whose roots were in the bottom of the lake, the water in the stem and leaves and flowers outside? - The idea seemed worth the experience. I'll put the best forces in my gut - told the land - and will feed the roots. - I'll put the best slit my breasts - said the water - and will bring up your rod. - I will put my best breezes - said the air - and invigorate the plant. - I will put all the heat rneu - said the fire - to give their corollas the most beautiful colors. Said and done. The four brothers started their work. Fiber to fiber were built roots, stem, leaves and flowers. The sun blessed the plant and was admitted to the regional flora, hailed as queen. When the four elements separated, the Lotus was shining on the lake with its unspoiled beauty, and served to the man as a symbol of purity and perfection of man. Have consulted the stars, and the date was set for May 8 - when the Earth is under the influence of the constellation Taurus, the symbol of the Creative Power - for celebration since ancient times has been perpetuated through the ages.This celebration was spread by all Western countries, and in 1948, on May 8 if he took the "Day of Peace."
It is difficult to find a country in Asia where the lotus is not considered sacred.
In the Buddhist tradition and in many other Eastern beliefs image of the lotus is linked to the elevation and spiritual expansion. The purity and balanced harmony of flower petals are related to the history of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, who began his path of enlightenment while contemplating the misery that existed outside the walls of the palace where she lived.
The delicate white flower and which emerges from muddy waters, revealing all its beauty and strength, is a powerful symbol and transreligious the invitation to every human being can evolve into more, the Magis for which it was dreamed and created.
The fleur-de-lotus (Nelumbo nucifera), also known as lotus-Egyptian lotus, sacred lotus and-of-India, is a plant of the family ninfáceas (same family lilypad) native to Southeast Asia (Japan , Philippines and India, primarily).Regarded with respect and reverence for the Eastern peoples, it is often associated with Buddha, to represent the purity of pristine emerging muddy waters. In Japan, for example, this flower is so admired that when spring comes, people usually go to the lakes to see the button turning into flower.
Lotus is the symbol of spiritual expansion, the sacred and pure.
A Buddhist legend tells us that when Siddhartha, who later became the Buddha, touched down and made his first seven steps, seven lotus flowers grew. Thus, each step of the Bodhisattva is an act of spiritual expansion.The Buddhas are represented in meditation sitting on lotus flowers, and the expansion of spiritual vision in meditation (dhyana) is symbolized by the lotus flowers fully open, petals and centers whose support images, attributes, or mantras various Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, according to its relative position and mutual relationship.
Similarly, the centers of consciousness in the human body (chakras) are represented as lotus flowers, whose colors correspond to their individual character, while the number of petals corresponding to their functions.
The original meaning of this symbolism can be seen by the following similarity:As the lotus flower grows from the darkness of the mud to the water surface, opening its flowers only after it was lifted beyond the surface and immaculate in both land and water that nurtured - just as the mind, born in the human body expands its true qualities (petals) having arisen from turbid media of passion and ignorance, and turns the power of the dark depths in the pure nectar of radiant enlightened consciousness (bidhicitta), the incomparable jewel (mani) in lotus flower (padma). Thus, the arahant (saint) grows beyond this world and beyond. Although its roots are deep in this shadowy world, his head is held high in full light. He is the living synthesis of the deepest and highest, of darkness and light, material and immaterial, the limitations of individuality and universality unlimited, the formed and formless, Samsara and Nirvana.
If the impulse to light was not asleep in the seed hidden deep in the darkness of the earth, the lotus could not get back into the light.If the push for greater awareness and knowledge was not asleep even in the state of deep ignorance, not even a state of complete unconsciousness Enlightened could never rise from the darkness of Samsara.
The seed of enlightenment is always present in the world, just as the Buddhas have arisen in past cycles of the world, the Illuminati also arise in this cycle and may arise in future cycles, as long as appropriate conditions for organic life and consciousness.
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