Thursday, September 29, 2011


1. Change in sleep patterns 

Sleep disturbances, hot feet, waking up two or three times during the night. 
Feeling tired and sleepy after waking. 
Fall asleep and wake up during the day.

The Standard Sleeps 3, which happens often to many people is characterized by: sleep about 2-3 hours, wake up, go back to sleep another 2-3 hours, wake again, go back to sleep 2-3 hours more. Other people saw it change their sleep needs, going on less sleep.

Lately, some people feel huge waves of energy running through your body from the crown (energy center at the top of the head). These waves can affect sleep.

Council: Make it a habit. 

Make peace with this energy and not worry about not getting enough sleep (concern that sometimes can cause more insomnia). Will be able to support their day to think you have the right amount of what you need.

You can also ask your self that, from time to time, give him a break in order to have a restful sleep.

If, during the night, not able to sleep, take this time to meditate, read poetry, write your diary or look at the moon Your body will adjust to the new standard.

2.Activity of the crown chakra (top of head) 

Sensations of ringing, itching, tingling and chills on the scalp and / or column.

Sensation of vibration energy at the top of the head, as if the energy flows in the shower.

You may feel pressure on the crown, as if someone is pushing a finger against the head center. As noted in section 1, we live in huge loads of energy through the crown chakra. We feel pressure more generally, as if the head were within a very smooth player.

Council: Do not be alarmed. 

This is the opening of the Crown. 
These sensations tell you that you are open to receive divine energy.

3. Sudden waves of emotion 

Sobbing. Suddenly, you feel angry, depressed, sad or very unhappy with the slightest provocation. Emotions on the loose.

Often stress or emotions are felt in the congested heart chakra (center of chest), which should not be confused with the heart, located to the left of the heart chakra.

Council: Accept your feelings as they occur, bless them and let them go. 

Feel the emotional content of the heart chakra energy. 
Expand it to all your fields and breathe deeply, from the navel to the upper chest.

Feel the emotion and let it evaporate. 
Do not direct the emotions to anyone. 
You are cleaning up the past. 

If you need help, say out loud that you want to drop all that old stuff and ask your Self . You can also askAngels of Grace (Energy white crystal) that help to release these emotions, easily and smoothly. Be grateful that your body is releasing these emotions, not holding within itself, which could cause damage.One of our sources suggests that depression is linked to the relations of "leave as is," personal relationships, work, etc.. that no longer serve neither us nor our frequencies.

4. Clarification of karma 

Old contents appear to be resurfacing, as described above, resurfacing in his life people involved in these episodes.

Case closing process. 
Or maybe you need to work your self-esteem, abundance, creativity, addictions, etc.. 

Begin to appear the resources or people you need to assist in this work.

Council: The same as for point 3 And again, do not engage too much in the analysis of these situations because it will come back to them again, ever deeper levels. 

Ask for help from a therapist, if needed, and advance. Do not even try to avoid "bypassing" of these "memories."Embrace whatever comes and thank it for contributing to its development. Thank your Higher Self to give you the opportunity to get rid of these 'waste'. (*)

(*) Note Stela - read on Ho'oponopono ... a fantastic tool for cleaning the memories, beliefs, traumas, fears, low self-esteem, etc ... 

Remember, you do not want them to continue in their DNA.

5. Change in body weight 

Excess weight is gained by the population in general, extraordinary. Other sectors of the population may, however, be losing weight. Generally, we gain weight because many fears repressed are returning for treatment. We react by building defenses, trying to anchor ourselves or obtain body mass, so as not to allow the body to increase in frequency.

Advice: Do not be stubborn. 

Accept this as a symptom of what is going on with you. Weight loss or gain, when all your fears are integrated. Release your anxiety. Then, perhaps finds that it is easier to lose or gain weight.

Exercise:Before you start eating, try this: sit at the table, set with a beautiful porcelain appliance. Light a candle. Enjoy the appearance of food. Place your dominant hand on the heart and bless the food. Tell your body to use food to feed themselves properly, instead of using food to feed their emotional quarrels. Then move the hand from left to right over the food, blessed it. You may notice that the food feels warm to your hand, even if it is a cold dish. Note that when we bless the food, not eat so much. Another thing you can do is not eat while watching TV or reading. Enjoy the blessing that is healthily ahead.

6. Changes in eating habits. 

Weird cravings and choices. Some people feel more hungry or less hungry than before.

Advice: Do not deny what the body asks ONLY IF IS VEGAN. 

If you are not sure, try to prove before choosing to see if this is what the body wants. 
Also try blessing the food as described in Section 5.

7. Intolerance and allergies to certain types of foods that never had before. 

As it grows spiritually, you become more sensitive to everything that surrounds it. Your body will tell you what no longer tolerate, as if he were discarding what no longer serves you. He may be clearing of toxins. Some people find a white residue in the mouth, drooling like a corridor at the end of a race.

Tip: This can be removed by rubbing 2 tablespoons olive oil in the mouth for 10 to 15 minutes (do not swallow), then spit into the toilet - not the sink. Brush your teeth and then clean the brush. 

8. Amplification of the senses. 

Increased sensitivity. 

a) Disturbance in vision, flickering objects, observations of bright particles, auras vision in people, plants, animals and objects. Some report to see how transparent objects usually opaque. When you close your eyes no longer see darkness, but redness.Maybe see geometric shapes, bright colors and pictures when eyes are closed. The colors appear more vivid. The sky may appear tinted or having a green lawn amazing.

As he becomes more sensitive, you may see shapes or scratches on the air, especially when the room is darker. You may see white shapes in your peripheral vision, either with eyes open or closed to them.

Advice: Your vision is changing in many ways, getting to know new ways of seeing. Be patient. 

Whatever happens, do not panic. 
Visions nebulae may be relieved looking away.

b) Increase or decrease in hearing ability. Hearing noises in the head, like "beep" sounds, music and electronic sounds. Some hear water rushing, buzzing, ringing or noises. Some have what is called auditory dyslexia, ie, can not always understand what others are saying, as if he could not understand their own language.

Some people hear strange voices in dreams, as if someone was screaming in his ear to them. In these cases you can ask "it" to go away, or plan to ask the angel to take care of the situation. Again, there is nothing to fear.

Advice: Surrender. Let go. Listen. 

Your ears are adjusting to new frequencies.

c) Intensification of the sense of smell, touch (touch) and / or taste. 

There are those who realize that now can detect the smell and taste chemical additives in foods, in a fairly unpleasant. 
On the other hand, some foods are replaced with a wonderful aroma. 
For some people this heightened senses is both wonderful and fun. 
You may be able to smell the fragrance of flowers here and there. 
Many mystics do it. Enjoy.

9. Skin rash, blisters, swelling, acne, hives, and shingles. 

Anger causes disturbances around the mouth and chin.One person had a dermatitis on the extremities for several months, and healing an episode from his past. When saneou most of this material, the problem was solved.

Tip: You may be letting out toxins and bringing emotions to the surface. 

When there is material that must be released and you try to repress it, your skin will express the situation by themselves, until they decide to work on the emotions.

10. Switching between force and fatigue 

Episodes of intense energy that makes you want jump out of bed and act, followed by periods of lethargy and tiredness. The fatigue usually follows great changes. Accepted because this is a time of integration.

Council: Flow with the nature of energy. Do not fight. Be gentle with yourself. 

Take a nap if you are tired. 
If you feel a lot of energy and unable to sleep, thoughts or write a novel. 
Take advantage of the kind of energy.

11. Changes in prayer or meditation 

It may not feel normal sensations. 
It has the same experience in contact with Spirit. 
Difficulty concentrating.

Tip: You may have to be spent in communion with the Spirit more frequently and for longer. The sensation may be different, but will eventually adapt to it. 

In fact, you started to think and act in accordance with the Spirit. 
You may notice that their periods of meditation are now shorter.

12. Waves of energy. 

Suddenly, you feel driven by energy from head to toe. It is a momentary feeling and uncomfortable. On the other hand, some people feel an inexplicable cold. If you are an energy worker, you might have noticed that the heat flowing in your hands has increased considerably. This is good.

Tip: If you feel uncomfortable, ask your Higher Self to increase or decrease the temperature. 

13. Symptoms varied 

Headaches, back pain, neck pain, symptoms of constipation (called "cold vibration '), digestive problems, muscle damage, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, changes in sexual desire, pain in limb, or vocalizations involuntary body movements. Some people have to face and solve that certain episodes of childhood. Relax. Symptoms are temporary.

14. Rejuvenation 

Will become increasingly lighter as it is clearing the emotional material, releasing limiting beliefs and heavy baggage of the past. Their frequency increased. He loves it more, as he loves life more. Begins to show the perfection that you really are.

15. Living dreams 

Sometimes dreams are so real that you wake up confused. It may also have lucid dreams, in which it is in control: you know you are not "dreaming", what is happening is somehow real. Many dreams may be mystical or bring messages. Will remember what is important to you. Do not force anything. Above all, do not be afraid.

16. Events that completely alter your life 

Death, divorce, change in job or employment, loss of home, illness, and / or other "disasters" - sometimes several at once. These are forces that force you to slow down, simplify, change, re-examine what you are, and what your life will say. Forces can not ignore them, force him to let go, to agree that love and compassion for all.

17. Release 

I want to cut all the stringent standards: jobs, consumptive lifestyles, and toxic people or situations. Need to 'meet' and find your life purpose - now!

Want to be creative and free to be what it is, in fact. 
Appetite for the arts and nature. 
I want to cut things and people already tell you nothing.

Council: DO IT! 

18. Confusion and emotional 

Feeling you need to fix your life because it is a mess. 
But at the same time, you feel chaotic and unable to do so, to concentrate. 
(See Point 45)

Tip: Concentrate on your heart and listen to your own discernment. 

19. Introspection, solitude and loss of interest in activities abroad 

This state come as a surprise to many extraverts who previously saw themselves engaged in various activities.

Now they say: "I do not know why, but I do not like going out so much as before." 

20. Manifestations of creativity 

Frequent reception of images, ideas, music and other creative inspirations.

Council: At least record these inspirations, for Spirit is speaking to you about how you can fill your purpose and contribute to the regeneration of the planet. 

21. Perception that time is speeding up 

Have this impression because he had many and frequent changes in your life. 
The amount of change appears to be increasing.

Council:Sharing the day in meetings and temporary segments increases the sense of acceleration. 

You can slow down time relaxing in the moment and paying attention to the problem at hand, without anticipating the events. Slow down and tell yourself that you have enough time. Ask your Higher Self.Stay tuned to this. Try to move from one activity to another. Focus on your inner guidance.

22. Premonition 

A feeling that something will happen which can create anxiety.

Council: There is nothing to worry about. 

The same things happen, but the anxiety will only create more problems. 
There is nothing to fear.

23. Impatience 

You know what to do, but sometimes it does not help. 
Want to solve what seems to be on your way. 
Recognizes that the uncertainties are uncomfortable.

Advice: Learn to live with uncertainty knowing that nothing will appear in front of you, if you're not ready. 

Impatience is actually a lack of confidence, especially in their Higher Self. 
When this focus, you will see miracles happen. 

24. Awakening 

Perhaps an interest in the Spirit arise, the first time in life. A call to the deep meaning of life, for your purpose. Spiritual connection and revelation. A "constant craving" as he calls KD Lang. The worldly life does not fill the void.

Advice: Follow your heart, and the way you will be shown.

25. Being different from others 

A strange feeling that everything in life seems new and amended, which left her old self back. And he left! Is much greater than you can imagine. And there's more to come!

26. Aid of various kinds 

Appear 'teachers' everywhere, at the right time to help your spiritual walk - people, books, lectures, films, events, Mother Nature, etc.. These "teachers" may seem negative or positive, but in a transcendent perspective, are always perfect Appear precisely what you have to learn. 

Tip: Remember that you never receive more than what we are prepared to deal with. 

Each challenge presents us with an opportunity to prove our expertise in overcoming it.

27. Sudden realization 

Meeting on a spiritual track that makes sense for you and you "play" in the deepest levels. Suddenly, you get a perspective that had never considered. Hungry for more. Read, share knowledge with others, asks questions and goes to the heart to find out who is and why you're here.

Runs the risk of asking philosophical "Why do I exist?". 

28. Fast learning 

He learns quickly. 
He feels he is "picking up" very quickly.

Tip: Remember that things come when you're ready to deal with them. Not before. 

Deal courageously with what is coming and so will advance quickly.

29. Invisible presences 

Some people say that at night, surrounded by beings feel, or have the sensation of being touched or that "someone" tells them. Sometimes agree. Other people feel the vibrating eye sockets. These vibrations are caused by energetic changes after emotional clearing done.

Council: This is a touchy subject, but may feel better if, before falling asleep, bless his bed and space around them. 

Fall asleep in the certainty that is surrounded by the most magnificent spiritual beings and that is safely in the care of God. Do not blame yourself for being afraid at times.

30. Portents, visions, numbers and symbols 

He sees things that give spiritual significance. 
Look at the synchronicity of the numbers. 
Everything has a message if you take the trouble to repair.

31. Intensification of integrity 

Recognizes that it is time to live and speak your truth. 
Suddenly, it seems important to be more authentic, more yourself. 
You may have to say "no" to people who tried to please in the past. 

Find it intolerable to stay in a marriage, job or place that no longer fits with what you are today. Also, perhaps noticing that has nothing to hide and keep secrets. Honesty becomes important in all relationships.

Advice: listen to your heart. 

If the inside tells you to do something, speak up and act. Say 'no'. Likewise should say "yes" to what he considers valid.

To risk not to please others without guilt in order to attain spiritual sovereignty. 

32. Harmony with seasons and cycles 

Do you feel more in tune with the seasons, moon phases and cycles of nature. 
Greater understanding of their place in the world. A strong connection to Earth.

33. Electrical and mechanical breakdowns 

With you around, the lights go out, the computer crashes or loses the radio tuning.

Council:Call your angels or guides to find, or put a protective shield on the machines. Imagine your car surrounded by blue light. Learn to laugh ... 

34. Increased Synchronicity 

If many small miracles occur ... wait for more!

Council: Conditions synchronized tell you who is acting in the right direction or making the right choices. 

Spirit uses synchronicity to communicate with you. 
He began to live the daily miracles.
(See Item 30)

35. Development of intuitive skills and changing states of consciousness 

Thinking of someone and immediately know that someone. 
More timing. 
Having internal perceptions about past events or patterns. 
See the future, to have out of body experiences and other physical phenomena. 
Intensified sensitivity and knowing. 
Understand its own essence and that of others.

36. Communication with Spirit 

Contact with angels, spirit guides and other divine entities. 
Channel information. 
More and more people seem to be getting this opportunity. 
Feeling inspiration and obtain information, which takes the form of writing, painting, ideas, communications, dance, etc..

37. Feeling of Unity. 

Direct experience of the Union 
Transcendent knowledge. 
Compassion and love for everything that lives. 
Compassion off or unconditional love for all, which leads to higher levels of consciousness and joy.

38. Joy and blessing 

A deep and abiding sense of peace and monitoring.

39. Integration 

Becomes stronger and lighter emotionally, psychologically, physically and spiritually. 
Sense of alignment with the Higher Self.

40. Living your purpose 

He knows he is finally doing what brought him to Earth. 
New skills and gifts are emerging, especially the recovery of health. 
Your life / work is now converging and starting to make sense. 
Will you use, finally, all these skills.

Advice: listen to your heart. 

His passion leads him to where it should be. 
Let yourself go and ask your Inner Self: "What do you want me to do?" 
Pay attention to synchronicities. Listen.

41. Feeling closer to animals and plants 

For some people, the animals seem more "human" in their behavior. Wild animals show less fear. Plants respond to the love and attention you give them, now more than ever. Some may even have messages for you.

42. View beings from other dimensions 

The veil between dimensions is becoming thinner, so this is not surprising. 
Keep yourself in their place. 
Since you have more power than you think, do not fear anything. 
Get help from your guides, if you feel it slip into fear.

43. Refinement of the vision 

Vision of more real people;vision of loved ones with a different face - past life or parallel life.

44. Physical manifestation of thoughts and desires 

All this starts to occur more quickly and efficiently.

Advice: Monitor your thoughts. 
For they are all prayers. 

Be careful what you ask.

45. Confusing left hemisphere 

Their physical abilities, your intuitive knowing, your feeling and compassion, their way of feeling your body, your vision, his expression, all emanate from the right brain. For this part of the brain to develop better, the left brain must "slow down".

Normally, the left hemisphere's ability to order, organize, structure, align, analyze, review, need to concentrate, solve problems and learn mathematics dominate our least valued right brain. This results in:memory lapses, placing words in the wrong sequence, inability or unwillingness to read for a long time, lack of concentration, forget what was said, impatience with linear forms of communication (audio or written), dispersion, loss of interest in investigating or complex information; feeling of being bombarded with words, conversations and information. Reluctance to write.

Sometimes you feel "stupid" and has no interest in analyzing, living or investigate intellectual discussions. On the other hand, may feel inclined to what has meaning: videos, magazines with pictures, artwork, movies, music, sculpture, painting, being with people, dancing, gardening, walking and other forms of muscular effort.

You can search for spiritual information or even science fiction.

Tip: If you allow your heart and guide the right brain, left brain is activated to assist you properly. 

One day we will be well balanced, using both hemispheres with mastery.

46. Dizziness 

This happens when there is stabilized.

Maybe just clean a large emotional charge and your body is adjusting to its most "light touch".

Council: "Ground" eating vegetable proteins! 

Sometimes "comfort foods" are right. 
Do not label any food as good or bad for you since it is VEGAN. 
Use your intuition to know what you need at any given time. 
Take off your shoes and put your feet on the grass for a few minutes.

47. Falls, accidents, fractures 

Your body is not stabilized or perhaps your life is unbalanced. 
Perhaps the body is telling you to slow down, examine certain aspects of your life or to solve certain locks. Look for the meaning of the message.

Council: Walk in the earth or grass, or even better, lie down on the grass with a blanket over. 

Feel the earth beneath. Take a walk in nature. Slow down and pay attention. See what you're doing. Feel your feelings when they sprout.

Stay in the present. 
Surround yourself with blue light when you feel confused. 

48. Heart palpitations 

A heart rush is usually accompanied by an opening. 
It only lasts a few moments and means that the heart is balancing itself after an emotional release.

Tip: Check with your doctor or therapist when needed or do not feel well. 

49. Rapid growth of hair and nails 

It means you are using more protein in the body.

50. I want to find (a) his (her) partner (a) right (a) 

More than ever, the idea that we can have an ideal relationship seems more desirable.

Board: The truth is that we should be the kind of person we want to attract. 

We have to like us and the place where we are now, before we can attract a mate more "perfect". The work begins at home: the desire to retain that person in your heart, but without attachment. Expect that someday you will find someone who fits the most to you, but do not hold expectations of who will be and how you will.

Focus first and foremost, to clean up your life and be the person who wants to be. 
Then you will see ...

51. Memoirs 

Surface memories, memories of bodies, suppressed memories, images of past lives and / or parallel lives. Because we are to harmonize and integrate all our "selves", wait for some of these experiences.

Tip: It is best to pay attention only to what comes to mind.

Leave the rest, do not analyze everything in detail (otherwise it will be swamped with old stuff) and feel the feelings as they arise.

Get help from your guides.



1 comment:

Jacqueline F said...

Hi! I love reading about these awakening symptoms. :) I'm linking your blog to mine if that's fine. Thanks!! - Jackie