Nut-stop: it helps you lose weight
Fitness Coach, CREF 1970/DF
Specialist in Sports Nutrition, UniFOA
If you think the almonds, chestnuts and walnuts should move away from your diet because of the calories, you do not know what you're missing. They are part of the select group of tree nuts, which, in addition to carrying many nutrients can be great partners when it comes to weight loss.
Studies indicate that when combined with a diet, these nuts help in weight loss because they are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which keep the blood sugar level stable and activate the metabolism of fat burning.
The latest study, published in U.S. magazine International Journal of Obesity, compared the effects of a slimming diet enriched with almond to a more traditional, supplemented with complex carbohydrates.
The group that ate almonds not only more successful in reducing the weight and total body fat but also had an easier time maintaining weight loss during the period studied.
Taking the good fats for weight loss is a feature increasingly advocated by experts worldwide. The main effect that the use of oil have is how to reduce the level of insulin released by the pancreas, helping to convert body fat stores into energy.
In addition, experts are unanimous in classifying them as great an appetite suppressant."By eating nuts five or six before the meal, you feel full faster and longer," writes the American doctor Michael Roizen, author of best sellers and The Age Real Age Diet Real.
And not only that. The family of nuts are rich in nutrients. In the list of beneficial components enter fiber, protein, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, selenium, vitamin E, folic acid, among others.
The nut-stop, for example, was already famous for its high content of selenium, a mineral that acts on the balance of the thyroid (avoiding weight fluctuations), prevents tumors, strengthens the immune system and protects against free radicals.
A study by the University of Otago in New Zealand, shows that the daily intake of nuts from two recently renamed stop nuts from Brazil increased 65% in the selenium content in the blood.
But probably the New Zealanders did not use the legitimate product of Brazil. Now we're lucky.Is that nuts produced in the North and Northeast are so rich in selenium that would be sufficient drive to get the same advantage.
Since peanuts, almonds and pistachio nuts are good sources of protein and should not be lacking in power who does not eat meat. Zinc, present especially in stop-nut and cashew, plays a key role in the production of white blood cells, magnesium, found in most of these nuts, helps control blood pressure and reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, not to mention the potassium , a mineral essential for muscle contraction.
Monounsaturated fats are also present in these foods both an advantage and. They reduce levels of bad cholesterol and increase HDL, the good cholesterol, which is responsible for cleaning the arteries. Therefore, they are powerful weapons to ward off heart disease. A U.S. study found that two tablespoons of nuts a day can reduce by 13% the total level of cholesterol. Each 1% of low cholesterol means less than 2% risk of cardiovascular disease.
But do not forget that even the well-being, they carry a lot of fat calories. A packet of 100 grams of peanuts or cashews, for example, is as good as a Big Mac Needless to say, consumed in excess, end up as fat storage. Therefore, it is recommended to eat nuts in place of other foods, not just add them to the diet.
Whatever your choice, it is best to consume the raw oil. If you do not like, a good alternative is to toast them at home because the oven heat is not enough to reap the benefits of the nutrients they contain. To preserve them, keep in dry place away from light and avoid salty grains, which favor the retention of liquids.

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