"I am the conscience in the heart of all creaturesI am their beginning, their being, their endI am the mind of the senses,I am the radiant sun among lightsI am the song in sacred lore,I am the king of deitiesI am the priest of great seers…"
This is how Lord Krishna describes God in the Holy Gita. And to most Hindus he is the God himself, the Supreme Being or the Purna Purushotam.
The Most Powerful Incarnation of Vishnu
The great exponent of the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna is one of the most powerful incarnations of Vishnu, the Godhead of the Hindu Trinity of deities. Of all theVishnu avataras he is the most popular, and perhaps of all Hindu gods the one closest to the heart of the masses. Krishna was dark blue and extremely handsome. The word Krishna literally means 'black blue ', and black blue also connotes mysteriousness

The Importance of Being Krishna
For generations, Krishna has been an enigma to some, but God to millions, who go ecstatic even as they hear his name. People consider Krishna their leader, hero, protector, philosopher, teacher and friend all rolled into one. Krishna has influenced the Indian thought, life and culture in myriad ways. He has influenced not only its religion and philosophy, but also into its mysticism and literature, painting and sculpture, dance and music, and all aspects of Indian folklore.
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