Vegetables and fruits that can and can not be offered to dogs and catsthat need to be avoided.
Plants (and vegetables) that can be offered:
White or brown rice, potatoes, cassava, beans, squash, zucchini, endive, arugula, carrots, cabbage, endive, green peppers, yellow or red, celery, beets, fresh parsley, coriander, sweet potatoes, asparagus, turnips, peas , alfalfa, chayote. Alltubers (potato, cassava, yams, etc.) should be offered cooked.The others can be served raw, but in this case must be liquefied for ease of digestion.
Fruits that can be offered:
apple (without seeds), bananas, pears (no seeds), mango, papaya (seedless), fig, strawberry, guava.
Foods that can be offered, but with caution (do not offer large quantities or repeat many times in a short time):

Forbidden foods (Possibly toxic to dogs):
Chocolate, sugar, fried foods, too much garlic, onions, macadamia nuts, tea, coffee, avocado, raw linseed oil, alcoholic drinks, potato sprouts or sprouted potatoes, peppers, grapes and raisins, sweeteners, soft drinks, tomato leaves and stems , avocado leaves, leaves and stems of potato, rhubarb, eggplant leaf, beet leaf and fruit seeds (cyanogenic may be).
Tip important : Varies every time, even allowed foods. The natural diet is based on a concept of continuous nutrition, which complements each meal. It's the best way to avoid unbalances, deficiencies and excesses.
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