The practice of animal rights, veganism
If you like the theory of animal rights, you'll love the practice: veganism. Being a vegan (a) means to respect the animals, that is, seek not to encourage their bondage. Never mind whether you like or dislike of non-human animals. Theminimumyou owe them (as humans) is not our love but our respect.
Veganism has nothing to do with holiness or purity, only with ethics and respect. It's not just the only way we take animals seriously, it is also the only way to take our own moral principles seriously.
What is it?
Veganism is the application of the theory of animal rights in our lives. That is, the way of life of those who recognize that nonhuman animals have the moral right not to be considered human property. Vegans and vegan can be characterized by their refusal to buy or use products from slavery, as the products of animal origin or those who have been tested on animals.
A penny for the purchase of these products is an endorsement we give to slavery, a vote for her to continue. The same happens when we use these products, as well also encourage their purchase and production. It is a statement like "I do not care, for me the non-human animals belong to me, anyway."While this is the statement of the vast majority of people, slavery is still going strong.
But we can make a difference. Each one of us ordinary people and criticism, can bring to an end at least its sponsorship of the institution of slavery. For example, vegans (s) are vegetarian (as), which means in particular do not use food products of animal origin. The refusal to eat a hot cheese makes sense not to weigh the cow that has been exploited for making this sandwich, but as non-incentive to explore more cows. These are the animals who are being saved for each and every vegan's vegan world: those who have not come to this sad and indecent life of servitude to human purposes.
Vegans (s) are also antivivisectionists, since there is no way to ethically justify the appropriation of a sentient being in an attempt to improve the life of another being.Even if one considered that medical research with non-human was a way to save human lives, he would realize that vivisection is the legitimation and institutionalization of the neighbor's immoral action in the example given here. If it's wrong exploited humans, this is because they have an interest in property not being made - just like any animal.
If you have more interest in this topic, see the section can science be ethical?, Where you can check that in fact the example of neighbor includes several teaspoons we usually give the vivisectors (those who still defend vivisection - they usually end up vivisectors themselves being), which have no parallel in reality. In fact, vivisection is far from being responsible for more deaths than lives, is far from being responsible for the discovery of cures, and often focuses on the treatment of diseases that can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle. But of course, regardless of the results achievable with vivisection, this is immoral and must be abolished.All humanity condemns the experiments that the Nazis did to Jews in the Holocaust, and we need not (or should) ask what the results of such experiments to get to that moral judgments. Just consider that the most basic right of the Jews, the right not to be considered the property was being violated. And the vivisection of non-human can be even worse, the number of victims involved (tens, perhaps hundreds of millions per year), to be institutionalized (legalized and regulated) in the four corners of the world, and, most sadly, even by be considered acceptable in the four corners of the world.
Each vegan or vegan is responsible for a small but real downward shift in demand for products from slavery. If you are not vegan (a) and decides to become, it is clear that the annual number of nonhuman animals used by humans will continue in the hundreds of billion. But you are effectively saving those animals that no longer need to be enslaved for the production of products that you previously consumed. For many people, this number will even surpass the milestone of one hundred animals per year.Thus, vegans are people who truly liberate animals - not condemning slavery. And for each of the animals, make all the difference in the world.
What must we do?
In practice, we need to do is to see which products from slavery are part of our day to day, and eliminate them from our consumption basket. Following the mapping we did in the inside of slavery, the main products that deserve our attention are: foods made with meat, dairy, eggs, honey, gelatin or cochineal dye, dogs, cats, fish and birds "pet", tickets zoos or shows that make use of animals, clothing or accessories made with wool, leather, suede or silk, and toiletries and personal care products tested on animals (see our list of companies sadistic (wait), which are the tests that are in animals although not required by law) or animal ingredients.
None of these products can - even remotely - be considered necessary for humans.According to the American Dietetic Association, the largest organization of dietitians in the United States, a vegetarian diet (which does not present any product that comes from animals) "is appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, childhood and adolescence." You can see more details in the section about a dash of nutrition. Whether for food, entertainment, clothing, hygiene or personal care, we are comparing the most basic interest that a being can have - to not be considered property - with an interest or a bit basic: a specific taste that we would feel in mouth, a laugh for some specific reason that we want to, a specific material that would like to wear a particular scent we want to spend etc..
Since the drugs can not get ready the unnecessary label. Some people need to make regular use of them. The most effective way out for this issue is prevention:we can minimize our dependency on prescription drugs with healthy eating habits (vejauma pinch of nutrition) and regular exercise. What are are really unnecessary animal testing, because, as you can see in the science section can be ethical?, The real guinea pigs will always be the first humans to receive the drug.
It's good to always keep in mind that it is not that we can change the past but the future. As much as we would like the torture described in the section immediately cease medications, is not leaving to take a medicine when we need to make fewer animals come into existence to serve us. When you buy a cheese sandwich, we know we are giving a direct incentive to more animals come into existence to be exploited to produce cheese. However, when we buy a product, the incentive for exploration is much more diffuse. At most, one can argue that by doing so we are inflating the pharmaceutical sector of the economy, which can resolve more entrepreneurs to enter this sector and produce new drugs that require further testing.
But even if you want to take this effect into account, remember: veganism is not about purity, but of respect. In cases where there is a fundamental conflict of interests with other sentient beings is our duty to act with respect to them. However, when such a conflict exists (as in the example of the neighbor), it is only natural that we tend to give priority to ourselves. Fortunately, these cases of real conflict is not so common in our daily lives as well. The simple boycott of food products of animal origin already represents our support for the release of about 99% of today's slaves.
A dash of nutrition
You want to be vegan (a), but concerned that vegetarianism (a diet of those who follow the vegan philosophy of life) leave you weak (a)? There is nothing to fear. Nor do you need to buy exotic foods and expensive to get and stay healthy respect for their moral principles.All macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) - important exception made for vitamin B12 - can be easily achieved by any vegetarian Brazilian socio-economic class (if it has the minimum to get it food). The general rule is to seek diversification of food, giving preference to the more comprehensive than the highly processed, and an amount that satisfies you. This is the basics. If you want to know where to find certain nutrients, just follow the reading. Just keep in mind that this is only a general guide if you want personalized guidance, consult a health professional is not updated and ready to decry his decision to be vegetarian (a).
In relation to the protein, it is interesting to note the recommendation that the Ministry of Health (which has no intention of promoting respect for nonhuman animals) brings in its Food Guide for the Brazilian population, "Eat rice and beans every day or at least 5 times a week.This Brazilian dish is a complete blend of protein and good for health.. " That's right, the plant foods contain all our essential amino acids (those that the human body can not manufacture) in adequate supply. The phrase "Vegetarians have a protein deficiency" is just an urban legend, one of the most badly told stories of all time. Of course, there is no reason to stay only in rice bean. Cereals (rice, corn, oats, wheat, etc..) Generally and legumes (peas, beans, lentils, soybeans, peanuts, etc..) Are great sources of protein, nuts and seeds as well.
Calcium can be obtained from dark green vegetables, nuts and seeds. Just by way of illustration: while the ricotta has 181 mg of calcium per 100 kilocalories, the broccoli has 204 mg Ca / 100 kcal (calculations based on the Brazilian Table of Food Composition, 2nd edition, 2006). Not to mention that the bioavailability (portion of the calcium to be effectively absorbed by the body) of the first is 32%, while the second is 61%.(4) is still valid to remember that our health depends not only on bone calcium, but also of regular physical activity, exposure to the sun for proper absorption of vitamin D, protein intake at a moderate level (as is usual in vegetarianism), and other nutrients that vegetarians (s) usually eat more than non-vegetarians (s), such as vitamin K (leaves), magnesium and potassium (fruits) and vitamin C, which also promotes the absorption of calcium.
Legumes are excellent sources of iron. While a grilled sirloin steak, already apparent without the fat, has 1.24 g of iron per 100 kilocalories, cooked black beans has 1.95 g Fe / 100 kcal (calculated based on data from the Brazilian Table of Food Composition ). It is true that iron from vegetables is absorbed to a lesser degree than iron from meat.What happens is that part of the iron in meat (40%), called heme iron, may have a higher absorption rate than non-heme iron, which is only present in plants (the rate of absorption of the former will 10% to 40%, while the second goes from 2% to 20%). Vitamin C, that vegetarians tend to consume in greater amounts than non-vegetarians, enhances iron absorption, as long as they ingested the same meal. The incidence of iron-deficiency anemia in vegetarians is the same as in non-vegetarians (Craig, WJ "Iron Status of Vegetarians," American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1994 (May) 59: 1233s-1237s).
Remember that vegetarians are not superheroes, they can also get diseases if you do not care. But the second review of scientific literature on vegetarianism by the American Dietetic Association, "Vegetarianism offers many nutritional benefits, including lower levels of saturated fat and cholesterol and higher levels of carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, potassium, folate and antioxidants such as vitamins C, E and phytochemicals.Vegetarians have lower body mass index than non-vegetarians, the lower mortality rate from heart disease, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, lower rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and cancers of the colon and prostate.. "
In addition to vegetarianism, something demonstrably good for heart health is the fat intake of omega-3, especially DHA and EPA calls. Vegetarians (s) have several good sources of omega-3: algae (which is also the source of the fish), oils (the most concentrated of all sources), nuts and canola oil, for example. With the exception of algae, which contains DHA, the other contains another type of omega-3 ALA. Our body converts ALA into DHA and EPA. Because omega-6 fats hinder the process of transformation of ALA into DHA and EPA, and because clinical studies show that the proportion of omega-6: omega-3 is negatively correlated with cardiovascular health, the medical recommendation is to prioritize sources of omega -3 with a lower omega-6:omega-3, preferably up to 4:1. That is, if possible, use canola oil (ratio 2:1) instead of soybean oil (7:1) and maize (46:1). But if you want to simplify at least save this: a tablespoon of flaxseed (knock on the vitamin, for example), or a teaspoon of flaxseed oil (ratio 0,25:1, the best of all) already supplies the recommended daily intake of omega-3.
Vitamin B12 is important in maintaining the nervous system. She is the only nutrient that can not be obtained directly from the vegetarian diet, and should be supplemented (usually just a single annual injection, intramuscular and painless, but some people prefer oral supplementation daily or weekly). Before concluding that vegetarianism is not a complete diet, remember that even those who are not vegetarian might need to make use of one or other nutritional supplement. For example, if the iodine to salt was not added, there was also a recommendation for iodine supplementation.Where there are more vegetarians in Brazil, maybe we can make some pressure for this vitamin is added to flour, as well as iron and folic acid are already there. Indeed, the Institute of Medicine, an NGO that advises the U.S. people and government on issues of health, we recommend supplementation of B12 not only for vegetarians (as), but also for anyone from age fifty. Vegetarians (s) begin to follow the doctor's recommendation a few decades before, that's all. It is good to note that vitamin B12 found in supplements is not of animal origin, since they are not animals that produce this vitamin, but the bacteria. The herbivorous animals nonhumans have no problem with this vitamin because in addition to their physiological characteristics, have the same concerns that we have hygiene. They can ingest B12 leaves contaminated with feces, for example - something we do not want to do.
Becoming a vegan (a)
To become a vegan (a) you do not need to turn a (a) nutrition expert need not be rich (a) or middle-class, no need to spend hours of your day reading labels, do not need special places to eat in or eat special food, no need to smell bad or stop brushing your teeth, no need to disconnect from your church ... The only requirement you need to fill is to be a person who finds it essential to respect others and yourself. And if you came here, there is no doubt that this is exactly your case.
The adaptation phase to vegetarianism (a diet (a) vegan (a), which excludes any product from slavery, such as honey, dairy, eggs and meat) is short and painless. Probably after two weeks, your body is already well used. So there is an ideal time to begin with, it is now.
Just remember that vegetarianism is a diet, not a regime. It's something that will accompany it (a) forever (or at least when you're that person to be conscious and respectful it is today, and usually it does not change).So eat well, nothing to be alone in the salad. And diversify! A diet that respects the animals has a huge variety of cereals, beans, vegetables, nuts, vegetables and fruits available in most restaurants per pound Brazilian. You can look at a bit of nutrition if you want some general information about vegetarian nutrition. After awhile, you'll end by noting that not only your body but also your pocket thanks.
As for your old leather goods and other types of fur, wool or silk, you can replace them with synthetic products, and perhaps want to give to someone without minimum financial condition to buy their own things.
As for toiletries and personal care, just looking for his next soap, shampoo, toothpaste, lotion, cream or lipstick from companies that do not appear in the list ofcompanies sadistic (wait), and no ingredients produced on the basis of slavery ( see deciphering labels - please wait). Give, yes, a little work at first.But fortunately this is not the kind of consumption we have to do every day, and once we have identified their products and brands that we like more, research is already done forever (or until the company changed the formula).
The issue of using animals for entertainment is quite simple. Just do not buy (you have done this in the past or not) animal "pet" (be they dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, birds or whatever), do not go to zoos, aquariums, circuses that use animals, rodeos , rodeos, cockfights and to report any use of animals for entertainment that is already illegal in your city. If you live with a non-human animal, when you need to buy it, give preference to a pet shop that does not move dirty money (from the moral point of view), ie, a pet shop you do not sell animals. If the animal that lives with you is a dog, it is interesting to note that there is already a brand of balanced vegetarian diet for dogs in Brazil, see here.
If you have space and time in your life to care for a non-human animal, it is easy to adopt an (unfortunately, there are many dogs and cats on the streets of any major city in Brazil). These were either abandoned or are descended from an animal that has been abandoned (which in turn descended from a slave trade in poultry). After many centuries of domestication, these animals have become extremely dependent on us. Castration is a necessary step to break this cycle of dependence and slavery.
After that, you already can and should be considered a (a) respecting (a) of animals, a (a) vegan (a)! There are some places on the Internet where you can find vegan vegan and more experienced person who can help you, exchanging experiences, ideas, information and dicas.Veja in our links section (wait).
Can science be ethical?
Yes! Generally (as) scientists and teachers (as) did not care about non-use of animals in research and teaching, so teaching and developing methodologies that require the use of animals.Often we are led (s) to believe that the only approach consistent with the progress of research and understanding of organisms is one that uses animals. However, if (a) scientist and professor (a) has the primary concern of developing a method in which animals are used it is perfectly possible. All it takes is a concern prior study and creativity.
No vegan and vegan is against the study, practice and scientific advances. What we are against and do not accept is the lack of ethics in science.
Moreover, the results of a species can not be extrapolated to other species (data from mice can not be applied to humans). Each body responds differently to a particular stimulus which makes the extrapolation of data between different species a great risk. This extrapolation has brought many problems for us humans. This is the case of the drug thalidomide, which has been tested on animals.Found that did not cause the same problems, was released for human consumption and especially recommended for pregnant women to decrease nausea. The problem is that this medicine could never have been released for pregnant women because it has teratogenic effects, ie causes various anomalies and malformations in the fetus. Hundreds of babies born with problems due to this sad fact.
Today we consider it unethical to induce a disease in humans and then seek a cure. Technically this is not justified for a person induced to a state of disease can not develop the disease in the same way that a person who developed it naturally. However, it seems logical that science is busy trying to find cures for humans already sick, disillusioned by other treatments. It is natural that these people agreed to participate in research that is of interest to you. Likewise, research centers who are interested in studying a particular disease may offer free veterinary treatment to animals given up by guardians of diseases.Thus, following a strict research protocol, the patient or legal guardian may consent to participate in the research, provided that aimed at cure.
Other forms of ethical research are:
- The use of cells and tissues grown in the laboratory (in vitro) for toxicological research and investigations of biochemical nature;
- Use of natural bodies of dead animals for study and research in anatomy, surgical techniques, etc.. These can be obtained ethically corpses plastinated for use in the disciplines of anatomy or can be preserved in a special solution that keeps the fabric dry, soft and with the characteristics of a fresh corpse, the same body can be used year after year.
Pupils and students can learn from models and computer simulators, virtual reality, field observation and even self-experimentation. There are scientific studies proving that these and these students who learn through ethical methods absorb content in a manner similar or superior to that used experimental animals.This is because the animal in the classroom is a distraction for (the) students. The (a) a student fails to focus on the goals of discipline and shifts to other factors such as whether it is right to use that animal if the animal is suffering, if he will wake up from anesthesia, if he will die, etc.. Another example are the boxes courses in invertebrate biology. Pupils and students can also take insects and other animals that have died naturally, just keep an eye on the ground!