Monday, March 26, 2012


That link is to a website that is entitled "101 Reasons why to have Children", and, unlike most fetus-humping fundie Catholic-themed websites, you can't really tell what kind of material you are getting into by looking at the address. Needless to say, this website definitely ranks highly on my "Top Ten Loads of Liest".
What in all hell is going on in the particle-sized minds of these breeder fundies that they come up with this shit? Most of those "good" reasons are vomit-worthy, but they're all just plain wrong and stupid. It disgusts me to think that there are people in this world who bear kids for any of those reasons. These people think that their god wants them to shit out hellions? Yes, because I'm sure that God is just enthralled by the thought of the planet he created and put life on is going to further be destroyed by humans overpopulating.
Now, I present to you all, the 101 Reasons  why  NOT have children:

1. God does not give blessings to people who are baby-rabid; he gives them to people who deserve them. Also, babies are not blessings - they are curses disguised as ugly beasts vaguely resembling humans.

2. Why would you want to make a creature that will cost you thousands of dollars to raise and will tell you it hates you 12 years down the road?

3. Children are a drain upon the earth, the economy, and everyone else in the world, which is why everyone on the face of the planet doesn't need to have them.

4. It's hardly exciting seeing who God will bless with an autistic child or a child with an incurable heart condition, or cancer.

5. It's an honor to have an IUD put in so I can enjoy sex more.

6. I love being "childfree" and having "freedom".

7. I am far from curious about what God will think of next. I think all fucking babies look the same and should not be given special treatment because they are parasites who cry and shit. The most exciting thing is my life is traveling, reading a novel, composing music, or having a real sex life, so I prefer not to see or hear some little cunt-demon wailing like a siren. There is nothing that moves me as much as enjoying myself in my free time.

8. I love to behold the handiwork of the Lord as I can see my flowers sprouting up every year and knowing that my little brat hellion-loaf did not yank them all up by the roots.

9. The birth of a baby will stretch out my vagina and make it loose and flappy like a parachute, making sex less appealing to both myself and my partner. Children require lots of care and attention, and they are usually what breaks the loving bond between a man and his wife (because Hubby gets emotionally divorced from wifey as soon as the loaf is hatched).

10. It's amazing to think that others will believe a woman will keep a man with her just because she gets knocked up by him.

11. God knew all my children before conception...when he made my ovaries and filled them with eggs that will never meet a sperm.

12. To choose to not have children is like saying "NO" to overpopulation, increases in taxes, global warming, and contributing another idiot to the next generation.

13. I'll have one less person to wake me up in the middle of the night as they wail and scream blue murder

14. I'll have one less burden on my shoulders.

15. I will never need to worry about contracting deadly illnesses, such as preeclampsia and toxoplasmosis, which occur only during pregnancy.

16. I feel blessed that there are birth control pills and condoms.

17. I see each child as looking no different from the next pudgy, drooling shit loaf. Each one screams incessantly and smells like shit. I can't wait to see another woman miscarry.

18. A baby in my family will drive everyone else crazy with its wailing, and then everyone will pretend to be happy and curse me out behind my back.

19. I love to see the faces of children when I tell them that Santa Claus won't be coming this year because they were bad.

20. Babies teach others so much about making people hate them, being loud, smelly, and selfish.

21. Children are selfish bastards who make you wait on them hand and foot, not leaving you a minute to try and clean the house. They make life miserable.

22. I become a better person with each child I frighten.

23. Children teach me that it's okay to want to strangle someone because they annoy me.

24. My partner thinks I'm beautiful all the time because I have not had my body ruined by pregnancy and childbirth.

25. The fewer children I have, the more sane I will be.

26. There's never someone around begging you to make them a snack and not saying "thank you", no one whining at you to be a pretty pink pony, and no one forcing you to read them the same book for the hundredth time.

27. It's much easier to cook for one than it is to cook for an entire ungrateful litter who except you to make them a meal every day.

28. Fewer (or no) children give me the opportunity to do things I want to do, when I want to do them.

29. You will never have to listen to your shit loaf screaming like a banshee as you cart it around in the grocery store.

30. The more children you have, the more you will fuck the planet over by contributing to the serious problem of overpopulation.

31. I want to establish a home that I like that will keep me happy for years to come.

32. I want to raise another soul for Satan.

33. I desire to keep my checkbook and my sanity intact.

34. More (or any) children releases broken possessions, blaring television, toys strewn everywhere, and an undeniable shit smell into my home.

35. Because babies make my stomach turn when they decide to vomit or shit themselves.

36. There is nothing like making love to my partner without having to worry about waking up a brat two doors away.

37. I can't work and be a parent - I would prefer to be an office drone than have a screeching loaf vacuum-sucking my tit.

38. I prefer to fulfill life as I choose, and not have to sacrifice everything I want for a whiny brat. I would feel ashamed knowing I created one more burden to plague this planet once I perish.

39. Seventy percent of parents regret having kids.

40. Children are like parasites who will feed off me for nine months, and then force me to pay for it for 18 years, then mooch more money off me when they are too dumb to support themselves.

41. I want another cat.

42. Because I prefer to respect people who go out for a nice dinner and do not want to be serenaded by "Shit Loaf Scream - 27th Symphony".

43. I want to lessen the raping of the earth's suffering resources.

44. I relish the sounds a child makes when they scrape their knees on concrete.

45. Having children turns you into a babysitter who will never get paid or be able to let the kids go back to Mommy and Daddy at the end of the day.

46. Having no children helps me to develop other interests or pursue dreams that would have otherwise been ruined by birthing a child.

47. Children will try to barge into the bedroom when my partner and I are making violent love and demand that they sleep in our bed.

48. Parenthood would allow me to realize and see for myself how much I would want to kill the damn kid and make it look like an accident.

49. In an era where the world is run by baby-humpers, there would be no way for me to get an abortion without getting hassled about it.

50. I don't want to give my parents grandchildren because they did such a shitty job of raising me.

51. When I hear a kid whining and screaming about how they want something they cannot have, they are serving as my teacher - they teach me that having kids is a fucking hell on earth.

52. I replenish the earth by not dropping hundreds of pounds of used diapers into landfills.

53. I want to be obedient to God's word to "Thou shalt not lie" - I hate kids.

54. I love myself, my partner, and my pets way too much to make anymore room in my heart for a kid.

55. I like to make passionate love and know I won't need to tend to a shrieking shit loaf.

56. I love not gaining seventy-five extra pounds, not throwing up every morning, and not buying myself a whole new wardrobe to accomodate my bulging gut.

57. I love the silence in my home when I want to relax, the sounds of my pets living happily without a brat pestering them, and being able to use the bathroom and not have to worry about a kid taking shots of bleach while I am away for two minutes.

58. When a child enters our home, we pretty much belt out, "Destroy all of our possessions!" - I like my home too much to allow a kid to wreck it.

59. I want to have a deeper, more passionate relationship with my partner, without a "family" (a.k.a. the blessed, innocent child) interfering.

60. The fewer children I have, the fewer instances my partner will have to pretend that he thinks I'm gorgeous with a fat pregnant belly.

61. I don't have anymore room in my car for a kid or a car seat.

62. Children are a disgusting plague upon the earth - why would I want one living in my home?

63. Real parents say that children are a huge burden and that they require effort I refuse to put forth - and I believe them.

64. Making whoopee with the one you love is one of the greatest aspects of marriage.

65. I get more than enough experience listening to some spoiled brat shrieking in the supermarket, along with the cow who is too dumb and lazy to silence them.

66. Children help me see why I don't have a daily dependence on Ritalin.

67. I love to feel food staying in my stomach, rather than it being regurgitated as the result of morning sickness.

68. Families who can get together for drinks and conversation is FUN. And I just love having fun.

69. I would prefer to not give my partner a reason to "work longer hours at their job" by having a screaming infant at home being cared for.

70. How can people understand that having a dozen kids will not guarantee that someone will take care of you when you are old and gassy?

71. More children help to make taxes go up.

72. I don't want to give myself an airtight reason to kill myself.

73. I won't have ungrateful assholes who cut off communication with me for twenty years, only to speak with me again to ask for money.

74. I was conceived out of wedlock and my parents were forced to get married.

75. I love not wasting my hard-earned money on some idiotic toy for a kid, only to have them take it for granted and toss it aside without a thank-you.

76. Hope for mankind will be expressed when abortion is made legal everywhere (and cheaper) and contraception is made easier to obtain.

77. Babies are sticky, germ-infested, and exceptionally ugly. They serve no purpose until they start paying taxes (if they ever make it that far).

78. There will be more people to go on welfare and sap up tax payers' dollars so they can go get their crack fix.

79. I want to yield my [intact] vagina as a living sacrifice to my partner when we are in the mood.

80. I prefer to spend around thirty dollars for birth control rather than nine months of suffering to try and prevent or control menses.

81. Babies remind us of how much we are hated.

82. Breeders are currently training a generation of clueless, lazy fuckwits who will begin the descent of society into a bottomless abyss.
I refuse to contribute my genes to the ring of idiots.

83. Younger children teach older children just how annoying having a kid around can really be, and it will [hopefully] make the older children think twice about having their own kids.

84. I fantasize about playing William Tell with some spoiled, screechy kid by drawing a picture of an apple on their forehead.

85. I love to feel my fit into my old jeans.

86. I would hate to stand before God on Judgment Day and tell him that I didn't want to have the kids I had, so I smothered all of them and blamed their deaths on SIDS.

87. Children have taught me that the value of my relationship will be shot all to hell if I allow some kid to come between my partner and I. They have also taught me the shallowness of breeder's beliefs.

88. I trust my tubal ligation.

89. It's nice to not walk into a room and smell shit, and then know I have to change the diaper that is filled with it.

90. Babies are the greatest blessing to others when they are aborted fetuses in a trash bin behind a clinic.

91. Parenthood is an emotional and societal prison.

92. I would be tempted to cram my baby into a dish washer.

93. I enjoy watching some real television from time to time - not Barney or Pokemon constantly.

94. I would be contributing to raging overpopulation.

95. I enjoy spending my money on things I want, rather than a pair of ridiculously-colored baby pajamas that the damn kid will outgrow in three months.

96. I'll spend my life not having to help repay my kid's college funds or bail them out of prison.

97. Children would turn me into a slave, and I live only to serve myself.

98. Sinning feels good quite often, but I would prefer to not become a grandparent to the spawn of my child's "sin".

99. The more children you have, the more chances you will have of being stuck in a nursing home and forgotten about until you die.

100. Raising up a godly seed and killing it when it gets too annoying is proof of me wanting to stay sane and have a real life.

101. Having children causes us to depend on tax payers to fund their education, when they havea good chance of dropping out and becoming useless burdens on society.



In my personal opinial  is because I have  love, compassion and respect  for other living beings i don't want to invite them to came to live  inside of boiling water, would be much selfishness and ignorance on my part or unconsciousness desire to bring other to live in this planet full of sufferings and misery.

Radharani Gayatri


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