Saturday, April 30, 2011


Animals in Nature

Animals in nature always have a message for us, start noticing what animals show up in your life and when.

Animals share our planet with us, but experience it differently—each has its own abilities and gifts that allow them to interact successfully with the natural world. Since we are merely one manifestation of the universe’s energy in action, when we feel the need for direction we can turn to animals in nature for guidance. Animals can show us different ways to approach and deal with our challenges.

As we hold a question in mind, we can begin to pay attention to the animal activity around us. Staring out a window we may notice a bird soaring high in the sky, showing us how to look at our situation from a greater distance. If we don’t get an immediate answer, we can remember that the universe has its own perfect timing that doesn’t heed the ticking of the clock. Instead, we can release our question into the universe’s care, and then trust that an animal messenger will carry inspiration our way. In the meantime, we align ourselves with the universe’s rhythm—opening, humbling ourselves, and shifting our perceptions so that at the perfect time we will be ready. Then, even weeks later, the sight of a small bird hopping from branch to branch may signal for us to use a talent other than our greatest strength and to take small leaps rather than fly over details. A squirrel bounding across an open expanse of grass to stash its latest prize may remind us to check our favorite hid! ing places for forgotten treasure. Even if we don’t see actual animals, their representations may hold messages; whether we see them in a shape in the clouds, a picture, or a show on television, their symbolic meaning is the same.

Animals are closer to the rhythms and cycles of nature and have fewer distractions from it than humans do. That is why they are the perfect messengers when we are in need of advice. Just by being themselves they remind us of the wisdom of the universe, and that all answers are available to us when we reconnect with our source and with those who know how to be nurtured by it.


From ancient times the people of Mother Earth have sought visions and messages from the Great Spirit. In the beginning, the Creator communicated with us through our interaction with nature. All of nature is connected at an unseen level. The animals, plants, and rocks all had lessons to teach us and messages to share. The messages  helped us survive and provided us with direction, protection, compassion, and healing.
The messages existed in all of Nature but were most predominant in the animal clan. We received the messages and learned the lessons of the animals by studying them and their environment. The animals message is the nature of the animal itself. For example, the message of eagle is about freedom, courage, focus, high ideals, vision , power and spirit. Time to take action , be direct , move forward. It is a symbol of the Creator and a positive sign for those on the spiritual path. 
Animals have certain qualities and behavior that you will do well to adopt . Animals constantly teach you how you should behave or what you should do to succeed in your physical world. Another example is , if you are thinking of quitting a project, or letting go of a business venture and you are suddenly invaded by ant, the message is to hang in there. Consider putting more energy into your work . Consult with others for support and new ideas. It is time for team strategy and cooperation. Be patient and don’t give up.
The animals that you are most often drawn to , or fear the most also have something to teach you. Many times animals enter your life to help you overcome difficult transitions. Animals can help you learn what qualities you are most lacking. You need to listen and pay attention to the message of each animal.
If you have a difficult time with self-knowledge , animals can tell you a great deal about yourself. The animals represent the sub-conscious mind. The animals strength and character also reflects human characteristics. First, learn the nature of the animal and then look at what part of your nature is most like that of the animal. The animals that you are attracted to, see in dreams, have encounters with, or collect as stuffed toys , pictures, and figurines can all give you very important information about yourself. Do you like to visit the Zoo, or wear animal tee shirts?
When a particular animal appears in your life you can determine what the underlying message is. Become aware of the repeated appearance of some animals. Synchronistic occurrences teach you to pay attention to the hidden messages in everyday experiences. Become aware of repeated patterns or themes. Each animal has certain medicine powers to teach and knowledge to share. Each animal has its own method of over- coming the many challenges it has met in order to survive.  We have always had an alliance with the animal clan. If your connection is weak or has been ignored in the past, it is time to renew your ancient connection with your oldest teacher, the animals .
Earth wisdom comes through many sources, in the Book of Job, we read (12:7-8): " Ask the animals,  and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you".
There are many methods of connecting and communicating with Spirit. If you listen and are receptive to its voice, Spirit will reveal its messages through the animals and nature. Connecting with a power animal establishes a psychic link which helps you communicate in non-verbal terms. You can receive additional information by observing the animals natural characteristics and their environment. Pay attention and you will receive practical, healing and helpful messages.
The Great Spirit speaks to us constantly through Nature on many levels. You can learn to predict future experiences by observing Nature and it varied expressions. In order to read signs and symbols you must study your environment and the animals. Get familiar with the birds, insects, animals, colors, odors, sounds and shapes of your environment. Is there something in particular that stands out to you? If you are drawn to it, you may be sure that it has a message for you. Observe your feelings and behavior in specific areas. Be alert to changes and mood shifts. In order to understand the messages and their significance, pay attention . Once you are able to interpret the messages , you will be able to prepare for future experiences.
Discover your Power Animal by paying attention to the information you receive through dreams and close encounters with a particular animal. What is their significance and what is the important message ? Are the messages about survival issues or do they represent something that you are lacking? Examine the animals messages closely for self-empowerment, guidance and healing. Please note, an animal can be a mammal, bird, fish, insect or reptile. Look for your power animal, their qualities and messages, listed below.

Sunday, April 24, 2011



Having a dog can literally do well to heart

The New York Times | 17/03/2011 10:03

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Passeio:Dogs can be great motivators for physical activity
New research shows that dog owners have 34% greater likelihood of receiving medical recommendation for a minimal amount of weekly exercise, thanks to their furry friends.
"The dog can be an excellent motivator of physical activity. People who take the dog out just walking more. They usually walk about an hour more a week, "said Mathew Reeves, a professor of epidemiology at Michigan State University and author of the study.
Reeves, who is also a veterinarian, says the public health problem of obesity affects both the man and his pet, so both benefit from the hike. He suggests that, even failing to exercise to improve their health, perhaps maintaining the health of the animal is the great motivator necessary.
In the study, published in the March issue of the journal American Journal of Physical Activity and Health, the authors reviewed data from a large survey of 2005 - more than 6,000 respondents - about behavioral risk factors.
Forty-one percent of respondents owned a puppy. Among them, nearly two thirds reported that they took the animal for a walk at least 10 minutes.
In total, the owners of dogs that showed 69% more likely to engage in physical activities during leisure time. They also had 34% more likely to carry out the 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise or vigorous, recommended by government health agencies of the United States.
"Only 27% of people who have a dog reaches the recommendations of 150 minutes per week of physical activity - that is, they could probably be walking more often," said Reeves.
The vet recommends that 40% of dog owners who never take their animals to walk that they really should start doing it. "Every dog ​​should have the opportunity to leave home to walk."
Several reasons were cited by the owners not to take their pets for a walk, but the most common excuse was that the dog has already exercised alone or who lived outside the home. Some of them said they had no time or interest to take the dog for a walk, others reported that animals were very ill-behaved. The age of the dog or the owner himself was also a reason cited.
People over age 65 were more likely to reach the minimum government simply taking his "best friend" for a ride. According to the study, middle-aged people were the ones who spent less time walking his dog.The study also showed that the level of education and gender had little impact on time devoted to walking the dog.
According to the survey results, people with lower incomes, particularly those who earned less than $ 20,000 per year were those that spent more time walking the dog (the average was 104 minutes per week).
The researchers also found that younger dog owners used to perform more exercises. The results also showed that smaller dogs performed shorter walks.
Based on the results of the study, the authors suggest that public health campaigns emphasizing the health benefits of regular walking with the dog.
"If your only form of exercise is taking her dog for a walk, be sure to do this at least five times per week for 30 minutes," advised Jill Rubin, a physiotherapist from Scott and White Healthcare Clinic in Round Rock, Texas.
"If you can not take your dog for a walk with this frequency, some kind of additional exercise will be necessary to achieve the recommendations of health agencies," she added.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


The Easter Bunny That Grew Up
The Easter Bunny That Grew Up

Last fall I ran across an article in the newspaper about how in August/September animal shelters are over run with rabbits because people tend to buy them for Easter gifts, then the novelty wears off and they end up abandoned in animal shelters. My original plan was to go to the shelter and make a donation. Which I made it to the Guildford County shelter I just never got to the donation part. It was very busy that day, so I looked around at the cages they had in the waiting area while I waited to talk to someone. In the corner, was a crazy haired rabbit, which was like no creature I had ever seen. It was love at first sight, a seven dollar and fifty cent adoption fee later, he was mine.
I created him a Facebook page under Flopsy Parker, to help other bunnies who are in shelters. We repost adoption ads, share rabbit care pages, and other rabbit rescue sites.He started with just a few friends, and then those friends shared his mission with their friends. A few friends has become 700 in a matter of a few months.
Flopsy's story has been shared in Triad Happy Tails Magazine,and featured on local media sites. He was a winner in the ASPCA National Valentine’s Day Photo Contest. He has been featured on Animal Planet Blog, and his story redistributed to national newspapers by Petfinder. He is a little rabbit with a big message, and is changing the lives of shelter rabbits he might never meet. He is a testament to the wonderful pets who are sitting in shelters right now, waiting for a family and a chance.
Gretta Parker
Greensboro, NC
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Sunday, April 10, 2011


Esqueça a esteira e adote um cachorro!

Ter um cão pode, literalmente, fazer bem ao o coração

The New York Times | 17/03/2011 10:03

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Passeio: cães podem ser ótimos motivadores de atividades físicas
Novas pesquisas mostram que donos de cachorros apresentam probabilidade 34% maior de receberem recomendação médica de uma quantidade mínima de exercícios semanais, graças a seus amigos peludos.
“O cão pode ser um excelente motivador de atividades físicas. As pessoas que levam o cachorro para passear acabam caminhando mais. Elas costumam caminhar cerca de uma hora a mais por semana”, disse Mathew Reeves, professor de epidemiologia da Michigan State University e autor do estudo.
Reeves, que também é veterinário, diz que o problema de saúde pública da obesidade afeta tanto o homem quanto seu animal doméstico, por isso ambos se beneficiam da caminhada. Ele sugere que, mesmo não conseguindo se exercitar para melhorar a própria saúde, talvez a manutenção da saúde do animal seja o grande motivador necessário.
No estudo, publicado na edição de março do periódico americano Journal of Physical Activity and Health, foram revisados dados da de uma grande pesquisa de 2005 – com mais de 6.000 entrevistados – sobre fatores comportamentais de risco.
Quarenta e um por cento dos participantes eram donos de um cachorro. Dentre eles, quase dois terços relataram que levavam o animal para uma caminhada de pelo menos 10 minutos.
No total, os donos de cachorros se mostraram 69% mais propensos a realizar atividades físicas nas horas de lazer. Eles também apresentaram probabilidade 34% maior de realizarem os 150 minutos semanais de exercícios moderados ou vigorosos, recomendados pelos órgãos governamentais de saúde dos Estados Unidos.
“Apenas 27% das pessoas que têm um cachorro atingem as recomendações de 150 minutos semanais de atividades físicas – ou seja, elas provavelmente poderiam estar caminhando com mais freqüência”, disse Reeves.
O veterinário recomenda aos 40% dos donos de cachorros que nunca levam seus animais para passear que eles realmente deveriam começar a fazê-lo. “Todo cachorro deveria ter a oportunidade de sair de casa para caminhar”.
Diversas razões foram citadas pelos donos para não levar seus animais para passear, mas a desculpa mais comum foi de que o cachorro já se exercitava sozinho ou que vivia do lado de fora da casa. Alguns deles disseram que não tinham tempo ou interesse em levar o cão para passear, outros relataram que tinham animais muito mal-comportados. A idade avançada do cão ou do próprio dono também foi uma justificativa citada.
As pessoas com mais de 65 anos se mostraram mais propensas a atingir as recomendações governamentais simplesmente levando seu “melhor amigo” para um passeio. De acordo com o estudo, as pessoas de meia-idade foram as que passaram menos tempo passeando com o cachorro. O estudo também mostrou que o grau de instrução e o gênero tiveram pouco impacto no tempo dedicado ao passeio com o cachorro.
De acordo com os resultados da pesquisa, as pessoas com renda mais baixa, especificamente aquelas que ganhavam menos de US$20.000 por ano, foram as que passaram mais tempo passeando com o cachorro (a média foi de 104 minutos semanais).
Os pesquisadores também constataram que donos de cachorros mais jovens costumavam realizar mais exercícios. Os resultados também mostraram que os cães de menor porte realizavam passeios mais curtos.
Com base nos resultados do estudo, os autores sugerem que as campanhas de saúde pública enfatizem os benefícios para a saúde das caminhadas regulares com o cachorro.
“Se sua única forma de se exercitar é levando seu cachorro para passear, certifique-se de fazer isso pelo menos cinco vezes por semana por 30 minutos”, recomendou Jill Rubin, fisioterapeuta da clínica Scott and White Healthcare in Round Rock, do Texas.
“Se você não pode levar seu cão para passear com esta freqüência, algum tipo de exercício suplementar será necessário para atingir as recomendações dos órgãos de saúde”, ela complementou.

Friday, April 8, 2011




Prepare to face your old buddy
Some dogs even at 18 or 20 years. In these cases, there are two factors involved that justify such longevity:predisposition of the organism and the treatment he will receive when you get old.
The owner should be aware and learn about the diseases that can affect your pet from 7 or 8 years old. Thus, it can prevent them or diagnose them in time for the animal receives proper treatment. This will certainly prolong the life of many dogs.

Calcification in the vertebrae of the spine ("parrot's beak"), disc herniation and osteoarthritis

It is very common in older and obese dogs. The animal may start to limp and have difficulty jumping or climbing on higher ground, like a couch. When palpated in the region of the spine, it feels pain. The condition may progress and the animal is replaced incoordination in the limbs (crosses the hind legs when walking), can no longer get up, urinates and defecates anywhere (incontinence).

The wear of the joints (arthritis) is also common at this age. The dog feels pain when performing simple movements. The diagnosis of these diseases is done through the x-ray, CT and / or myelogram (X-ray of the spine using contrast).

How to deal: it may be occurring nerve compression and inflammation in the spine affected by a hernia or calcification. The dog must stand and be medicated by the veterinarian with anti-inflammatories and analgesics. The dog clearly showing serious signs such as paralysis, must be subjected to tests such as X-ray tomography and myelography to assess the degree of injury. The animal should not bathe or be subjected to cold temperatures during treatment or when you have headache attacks. In some cases, treatment is surgical.

In the case of osteoarthritis, treatment consists of analgesics, and anti-inflammatory drugs that stimulate the formation of cartilage. In all cases it is possible to associate the treatment alternative therapies such as physiotherapy and acupuncture.

Heart disease

A large percentage of older dogs have any cardiac abnormality, particularly the heart valves. Many animals compensate these problems and live well, without clinical symptoms. Others show clear signs of heart disease, but the owner does not know recognize.Tired than normal during the tours, cough that may be mistaken for a choking after exercise, panting and tongue purple after a state of excitement, are signs of a dog with cardiac problems. The animal should be examined by a veterinarian, indicating an electrocardiogram and / or an echocardiogram to evaluate it.

How to deal: it is important that the owner is aware, for the animal to be treated at the onset of disease. Even without clinical signs, the elderly animal should be examined by a veterinarian annually. Given the heart, the dog will be treated and signs should disappear. This greatly prolong the life of the dog. Dogs with heart disease should not be overweight (obesity) or be forcibly subjected to long walks.


A cataract is a condition in which the animal will gradually losing his sight, since the lens (the internal structure of the eye) will become translucent. When viewed in the light, the eye of the animal has white spots.Over time, the cataract progresses and the animal shall not see, since the lens is fully opaque and the animal's eyes are quite whitish.

How to treat: diagnosed early, the cataract can be treated so that their development is slower. Not all cases respond well to treatment. In the case of blindness, cataract surgery exists in animals. Some breeds predisposed to cataracts and she may appear early in young animals.

Chronic renal failure

When the kidney loses its ability to select what is good or bad for the body and can no longer hold water, we have a picture of chronic renal failure. The signs are weight loss, excessive intake of water, large amounts of urine, loss of appetite, vomiting and anemia.

How to treat: chronic renal failure is a condition that causes an animal to death, because the kidney, which is the body's filter, no longer works. He misses important substances like vitamins, and retains that should eliminate toxins.However, diagnosed in time, the animal may have a survival with a dietary change and vitamin supplements. Hemodialysis can be performed. Kidney transplantation may be performed on animals.


Older dogs who show signs of loss of appetite, vomiting, sudden increase of the abdomen, vaginal discharge and intense apathy, should be sent to the vet immediately. Pyometra is a uterine infection that affects older dogs. The uterus fills with pus and the animal is intoxicated by absorption of pus in the body.

How to Treat: The effective treatment in most cases is surgery with removal of the uterus and ovaries and antibiotics. In some cases (disease detected early and breeding bitches) treatment may be tempted to preserve their uterus but do not always get results. It is advocated castration of young dogs such as prevention of pyometra in adulthood.


Not every tumor is a cancer. In bitches, the most common tumor in the breast occurs.Breast tumors are frequent and can be easily perceived by the owners as one or more nodules in the mammary glands of bitches. Most breast tumors are benign, but the vet should monitor developments and require removal if deemed necessary. A biopsy is always indicated after the removal of any tumor. Every node that appears in a dog, elderly or not, should be evaluated by your veterinarian. Early diagnosis can save or prolong the life of an animal with cancer.

How to deal: you can resort to surgical removal and / or chemotherapy. Radiation therapy is performed in dogs in some countries.


It can appear in any dog. Older dogs and / or obese can become diabetic. The diabetic dog has thin, but eat too much. Drinking water excessively and urine too. Cataract may present associated frame.

How to Treat: The insulin is made ​​in dogs to control the disease in most cases.

Loss of teeth

It's something the owner can and should prevent. The dog loses his teeth for tartar buildup. Animals must be assessed annually since youth, and prevention and / or removal of tartar (if necessary) should be made. When the owner realizes that your dog's mouth smells bad, it's time to visit the vet. The ideal is to do prevention. When are cleaned of tartar late, many teeth are already lost. Feeding the animals with dry food can help prevent tartar and other measures.

As for food, it is noteworthy that there are diets for older dogs (diets senior). Give them preference for animals over 7 years.

Silvia C. Parisi
Veterinary Medical - (SP CRMV 5532)