How does one awakens his conscience which vegan in hour, minute, second, when the person wakes up and understands all the intent of the universe intelligent vegan?
It's really subtle. everything a conscience enlightened by the vegan says is very simple and very beautiful - the person awakens in the exact second when accepts the ego carnivorous let die. Accepting the death of the ego carnivore, accepting death of the selfish ego, accepting the death of his lower nature that was until recently, might be to accept their wishes to die inferior nature in many ways and one of them is to feed on cadavers and derived from human and nonhuman animals.
It is in fact dying accept their lower nature, is prepared to accept that death carnivorous ego, that selfish desire to not worry about the suffering of nonhuman animals, that idea that we are only happy if eat what we want, and all other kinds of illusion.Accept this illusion dies out on animal flesh food and its derivatives, these illusions have something to do with what comes from outside rather than what comes from within us, it's a sign of awakening.
The awakening of consciousness vegan has to do with our relationship with our higher nature, with the invisible world, even without knowing what it is. When we accept the death of the carnivorous ego, accept precisely the unknown in our higher self. When we accept to die here this carnivorous desire of matter, we are born to accept another higher dimension. We're opposites, we accept the death of one thing, we are agreeing to be other than we know what it is, go to the unknown.
Although we spend years building our person as being a carnivore, one day we realize we have to deconstruct it, to finally access what we really are in our higher nature. And this time we accept deconstruct our carnivorous ego and that moment of awakening of consciousness of the vegan higher self.This can come after a loss of pet, a collapse of emotional, sentimental, to see an animal suffering or being murdered ... or any other great suffering that one may be more sensitive and evoke the feeling of compassion for the suffering of all seres.All experiences that the Universe sends to us is precisely to look up and see that something is wrong in our way to our bad food habits of origin animal.
"Awakening of vegan consciousness is when it finally joins the mind and heart to be understood that all beings are one in our higher nature."
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