The loving memory of all our lovely pets ...., who have left us, but stayed in our hearts forever....Be happy at the Rainbow Bridge
For those of us who have had pets, the connection we share with them is quite profound – sometimes equal to, and in certain instances, greater that what we’ve shared with people. As children, our pets become our playmates, and often, our protectors. It is heartwarming to see a family dog stand stoically between a child and a stranger, refusing to take their eyes off of that stranger, and ready to give their life to protect if necessary. As adults, our pets are like our children, companions, and in certain instances, a life saver. Think of how many stories we’ve heard of a watch dog scaring off a would-be burglar who was ready to break into a home and rob it. Therapy dogs are trained to provide help and comfort to those who need it, while seeing-eye dogs become the actual eyes of the blind, leading and guiding them through the complex and dangerous maze of the physical world those of us with sight merely take for granted.
Often OUR PETS AND US reincarnate on earth with soul family had most intense relationships.
when you meet your pet or someone for the first time and feel as if you know them already. You’re in a town that you’ have never been to before, yet you recognize streets and buildings. You start playing a new sport and amaze everyone, including yourself, at your natural abilities and intuitive knowing of the rules. We often describe such experiences as : the experience or feeling that a new situation has happened to us before. Then again, the possibility does exist that we have actually lived these experiences in the past or, rather, in another lifetime.
Many spiritual practices believe that reincarnation all living beings souls return to this earth over a series of lifetimes to evolve, learn, grow, transform, and become more spiritually attuned through the course of each life. reincarnation it is believed that tend to cycle through different lives with many of the same people. Often these traveling “soul” companions are the ones we enter into relationships with; work through unresolved issues together so that we may heal. When we struggle or keep encountering blocks that keep us from reaching our goals, there may be a specific lesson that we are supposed to learn in this lifetime. Being naturally blessed with a musical talent or another gift can be a special ability that the soul worked to develop in a past life. may even have lived before as another gender or as part of a different social or economic class. Each lifetime brings with it specific lessons that are necessary for spiritual evolution.
Past life recall can give valuable insights into past, present, and future lives. The knowledge of how was lived before can help us overcome present obstacles, understand phobias, and resolve relationship issues. There are workshops where can take to learn about past lives, and past life regression therapists can guide the journey backward in time. learn to visit past lives through dreams, meditation, and hipnotise work. It is even possible to see full scenes of a former lifetime flash before ther mind’s eye as if were watching a movie. While looking back at your past lives can be exciting and enlightening, it is important to remember that the answers seeking to this life can only truly be found by living this one. Look to past to see where the soul was been before, but remember that the life that matters most is the one that you are living now practicing the power of now with our pets family and friends..
This post is dedicated to our dog Thor, who transitioned into spirit April 1, 2009.

When our pets leave us — whether dogs, cats, or any other animal, it can be as traumatic for us as when a fellow human being leaves this earth. So, with this profound connection we’ve shared with our pets, the question is repeatedly asked as to what actually happens to them after they have left their earthly lives with us. In fact, I recently received that exact inquiry from a reader of this newsletter, therefore, I’ve decided to devote today’s writing to that question in depth.
Do our pets have souls?
Yes, our pets do have souls. They are not the same as human souls, but are souls in the continual process of evolution. According to the theory of “divine sparks,” different sparks are cast out from the God head at various points in time. These divine sparks begin their journey of evolution through matter and energy, such as experiencing being all forms of existence including rocks, trees, animals, and eventually leading up to being human beings.
Think of it like a road trip. If I left Chicago on Tuesday to go to Cleveland, and you left Chicago for the same destination on Friday, I would be closer to Cleveland than you would be. It doesn’t mean that I’m better or more advanced, but just started the journey earlier.
Where do their souls go and what do they do?
Once they have left their physical bodies, their souls go to a special place in spirit especially for the animal kingdom. This place is scenic and beautiful, and is often pictured as the sprawling open fields of nature and light. In that place, they are with their own kind, and possibly other animal species that they interact with as well. There, they do the things you might expect your pets to do: run, play, have fun, and rest, but there is more to it than just that. As I mentioned above, their souls are in the process of evolution, therefore, they are also taught and guided by the master teachers of their species. Just like when we go to the other side, our transitioned pets keep learning, growing, and evolving.
If they were sick when they were with us, do they stay that way?
No, they do not. They are able to shed illness very quickly, and return to their natural state of health and well being. Whatever physical suffering they incurred here: being hit by a car, attacked by another animal, injured, and/or a terminal illness, no longer stays with them once they’ve transitioned.
Do they ever visit us here?
Yes, typically our pets in spirit are around us from time to time. They go between their new home on the other side, and their old home in the physical plane here with us. In fact, you may feel them when they’re around. You can sense their presence, as you know their energy and essence, as you felt it while they were here with you on a regular basis. For some people, they actually can see them, possibly running through the house or the yard. In rare instances, our pets in spirit can make a noise we hear with our physical hearing, or even move an object.
A friend I went to high school with named David had a pet cat named Smokey who departed from the earth about twenty years ago. Since then, David has felt the presence of Smokey often. He’s not psychic, and not even that “into” psychic ability, but he knows that he feels Smokey’s presence around him. David will sense Smokey being in the places he used to be when he was in the physical realm: on David’s bed, in the corner of the kitchen, and out on the patio. As he felt a connection to those places before, Smokey still visits those places periodically, and connects with David.
Some of my family members see our dogs who have transitioned to the other side running through the yard, looking young, healthy and acting gleefully happy. We can be out in the yard cleaning up a bit, and suddenly I’ll hear, “Look, there’s one of the dogs! They’re having a great time!” The dogs play in the yard again, because it’s something that they loved to do before, so they still continue this joyous experience. This may sound a bit odd to many people, but for those of us who can see spirits, it is actually quite common.
I actually knew someone who possessed such a deep connection with her cat whom she had for almost twenty years, that after he transitioned into spirit, her cat has come back to her, and when he does, he makes noises. These are actual noises that she can physically hear – noises that would be only be identified with him, such as his unique style of purring and vocal sounds.
There’s no precise time length our pets on the other side continue to visit us. Sometimes, they can be with us from time to time for years, or decades, while in certain instances, they will literally be with us for the rest of our lives. And it you think of it this way, why wouldn’t our pets on the other side visit us? They love us unconditionally as we love them in the same way. This is a great treat for them, as well as for us, and a tremendous source of comfort and joy.
Do they reincarnate and come back here? If so, why?
Just as we do, our pets on the other side also reincarnate and come back here. This would be based on the spiritual belief that they, like us, are in a continual state of evolution and on the pathway to perfection and oneness with all, and that is achieved through reincarnation. Many believe, as I also do, that they will eventually evolve beyond the animal kingdom and reincarnate into the human level. That belief system would also say that we have all been animals ourselves, literally. This also means that the world as we know it is infinitely and perhaps incalculably older than we believe.
While on the other side, our pets are taught and trained for their up and coming lifetime by the master teachers of their species. Whatever their goals are from a higher spiritual perspective, our former pets would need to learn these things and skill sets sufficiently before reincarnation. A dog whose mission is to reincarnate as a dog of service to those with special needs might need a great deal of training, especially in learning patience and gentleness.
Then, they will incarnate into the breed or type of animal that facilitates those lessons. If a dog is to learn playful compassion, they could reincarnate as a Labrador. If they’re coming back to learn to hunt, they might come back as a Golden retriever. Remember, even though they don’t comprehend it consciously as we do, they have a spiritual mission and goals to achieve in every lifetime they incarnate into. They can’t write it down on paper and intellectualize it at their current level of understanding, but they are spiritually compelled to do what they’re sent here to do.
At their level of growth, they may not possess as many skill sets as we do, but every pet clearly knows certain things, has special gifts and qualities that allow them to contribute to this world and fill the place that only they can. Again, think of what a seeing-eye dog can do for a blind person, or what police dogs do for law enforcement every day — it is quite remarkable. You could think of it as their animal instincts, but it comes from higher consciousness, which is guiding them all the way. In addition, once they’re in the earth plane, they need to be trained correctly, be in the right environment and circumstances, which will help them reinforce and manifest their skill sets and spiritual goals in a particular incarnation.
Could our pets come back to us when they reincarnate?
Since our pets do reincarnate, is it possible that they could actually come back to us in a future lifetime? Yes, our pets can indeed come back to us when they reincarnate again.
However, it is not just a simple matter of that fact that we love them, and they love us, therefore, they’re coming back to us. There are several variables which determine whether this would happen or not: Are we still going to be here in the physical plane when it is their time to come back? Obviously, that would be necessary. Are the lessons they are coming back to learn able to be learned in our care? If a pet needed to be in an outdoors hunting environment, we would need to have that type of environment to offer. If our former pet is supposed to learn to be nurturing and loving toward children, we would need to have children.
In addition, there are so many more factors that help to determine the outcome to our initial question: Our life must be conducive to them coming back. Whether we’re in good or bad health is important. Our lifestyle, regarding work, obligations and travel would need to allow us to care properly for this pet. All of the answers to these many variables illustrate the point that there are so many factors that determine who our former pets will be with in a future lifetime, whether us, or someone else. And certainly whatever is for the spiritual highest good of all concerned determines what would ultimately occur. If and when our pets do reincarnate with us, we probably see ourselves as their teachers by training them and taking care of them. But can the opposite occur, where the roles are reversed and our pets might be our teachers?
Can our pets teach us?
From a spiritual and karmic perspective, pets are often sent here to teach us lessons, as sometimes, certain lessons are not able to be learned through interactions with people or on our own. Therefore, the divine universe will send a special pet to be our teacher. Love, patience, understanding, compassion, and tolerance are some of the wonderful lessons a pet can teach us.
This is exactly what happened to Mark, a man who had always lacked compassion. In fact, he was judgmental of anyone who suffered, as if it had to be their own fault for whatever circumstances they found themselves in. He rarely showed empathy for anyone, and was continually cold. So one day, a male puppy dog with a broken hind leg showed up on his doorstep. This dog was only about four months old, scrawny, hungry, and in desperate need of medical care.
When Mark saw this dog, his heart just began to melt. All of his defensiveness, arrogance, and judgementalness was relaxed for the moment. For one of the first times in his life, he actually felt genuine compassion and empathy. He saw this dog through the eyes of light and love, and not the harsh cold judgment he had repeatedly inflicted on people. So he took the dog in and provided the dog with medical care, food, and its shots, and after a couple of days, Mark was hooked. He decided to not just send him on his way, but instead, Mark kept the dog, and named him Sneakers. The journey of Mark and Sneakers became one of transformation for Mark on a deep spiritual level. At first, when Mark wanted to yell at Sneakers for having an accident in the house, he would come to his senses and remind himself that the dog didn’t know any better. Instead, he chose to train him.
Later, when Sneakers would get into the garbage and make a mess, Mark decided to see this as just something a dog might do – therefore, he didn’t punish him with cruelty. Again, he trained the dog to not go into the garbage. Then, after fifteen years, Sneakers became ill, and had accidents in the house regularly. But Mark knew it wasn’t Sneaker’s fault – he couldn’t help it. So instead of screaming and yelling, Mark become tolerant, and just took care of him, even through the roughest of times. At sixteen years of age, Sneakers finally transitioned into spirit.
As we see, a simple little puppy named Sneakers became the greatest and most profound master teacher of Mark, because after the journey the two made together, Mark no longer judged and condemned other people. Mark learned what he was suppose to learn, as it could only be taught by this one special pet the divine universe sent to him. The impact Sneakers had on Mark was undeniable. However, our pets don’t just affect our physical lifetimes, as the connection we share with them continues far beyond that…
If our pets are on the other side when we cross over, will we see them?
If our pets are on the other side when we cross over, we will see them. As most of you already know, I am a spirit medium who receives messages from those on the other side. In many readings, a client’s loved ones in spirit come through and identify a family pet by name that is with them in spirit. This is of great comfort to my clients, who can experience a confirmation of the connection between those they love and the pets they also love who are reunited on the other side. Realize, I can’t ask for this information – it has to be volunteered in a message. Whatever spirit wishes to bring through in a reading is what comes through, and not able to be controlled by me or the client’s wishes. It’s just a wondrous confirmation of the eternal connection with our pets when those on the other side comment on them directly.
Also, intuitively, it has always been clear to me that the souls of our pets who are in spirit reunite with us when we cross over. They are there waiting for us, filled with light, love, enthusiasm, and joy. Their souls are looking forward to connecting with us, and offering us the unconditional love that only they can give. Here, we see how the love that occurs between us and our pets establishes an eternal bond – one that transcends all barriers and illusions of space and time that we perceive with our limited physical perception.
Here on the earth plane, we believe the illusion that we become separated from our pets – as we perceive that our pets “die.” However, that isn’t true any more than it is true of the people in our lives. In reality, there is no such a thing as separation between ourselves and the pets we love, because they, like us, never actually “die.” Remember, just because we don’t see our pets with our physical eyes any longer, doesn’t mean that they no longer exist, and that we’re no longer connected to them. Sure, your pets will modify their form, just as we do – from a physical body on earth to being in their spiritual body on the other side, to another physical incarnation, to countless new incarnations.
Through all of these transformations, there is one thing that is constant and will always remain — that is the sacred bond of love, which is absolutely eternal. The love that has been there between you and your pets will never die – it cannot – as it lives, breathes, and thrives forever. It is as vast and eternal as eternity itself. As we grow and evolve through this endless journey we are now on, our pets will walk alongside us, in this dimension, as well as all other dimensions – and yes, they are there with us as our eternal companions whose unconditional love and comfort makes our journey that much better.
Jim1537 is a gifted medium who can help you connect with your loved ones on the other side. If you are interested in having a private session with Jim1537, click
Reincarnation Evolution of The Soul
when you meet your pet or someone for the first time and feel as if you know them already. You’re in a town that you’ have never been to before, yet you recognize streets and buildings. You start playing a new sport and amaze everyone, including yourself, at your natural abilities and intuitive knowing of the rules. We often describe such experiences as : the experience or feeling that a new situation has happened to us before. Then again, the possibility does exist that we have actually lived these experiences in the past or, rather, in another lifetime.
Many spiritual practices believe that reincarnation all living beings souls return to this earth over a series of lifetimes to evolve, learn, grow, transform, and become more spiritually attuned through the course of each life. reincarnation it is believed that tend to cycle through different lives with many of the same people. Often these traveling “soul” companions are the ones we enter into relationships with; work through unresolved issues together so that we may heal. When we struggle or keep encountering blocks that keep us from reaching our goals, there may be a specific lesson that we are supposed to learn in this lifetime. Being naturally blessed with a musical talent or another gift can be a special ability that the soul worked to develop in a past life. may even have lived before as another gender or as part of a different social or economic class. Each lifetime brings with it specific lessons that are necessary for spiritual evolution.
Past life recall can give valuable insights into past, present, and future lives. The knowledge of how was lived before can help us overcome present obstacles, understand phobias, and resolve relationship issues. There are workshops where can take to learn about past lives, and past life regression therapists can guide the journey backward in time. learn to visit past lives through dreams, meditation, and hipnotise work. It is even possible to see full scenes of a former lifetime flash before ther mind’s eye as if were watching a movie. While looking back at your past lives can be exciting and enlightening, it is important to remember that the answers seeking to this life can only truly be found by living this one. Look to past to see where the soul was been before, but remember that the life that matters most is the one that you are living now practicing the power of now with our pets family and friends..
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