Animals in Nature
Animals in nature always have a message for us, start noticing what animals show up in your life and when.
Animals share our planet with us, but experience it differently—each has its own abilities and gifts that allow them to interact successfully with the natural world. Since we are merely one manifestation of the universe’s energy in action, when we feel the need for direction we can turn to animals in nature for guidance. Animals can show us different ways to approach and deal with our challenges.
As we hold a question in mind, we can begin to pay attention to the animal activity around us. Staring out a window we may notice a bird soaring high in the sky, showing us how to look at our situation from a greater distance. If we don’t get an immediate answer, we can remember that the universe has its own perfect timing that doesn’t heed the ticking of the clock. Instead, we can release our question into the universe’s care, and then trust that an animal messenger will carry inspiration our way. In the meantime, we align ourselves with the universe’s rhythm—opening, humbling ourselves, and shifting our perceptions so that at the perfect time we will be ready. Then, even weeks later, the sight of a small bird hopping from branch to branch may signal for us to use a talent other than our greatest strength and to take small leaps rather than fly over details. A squirrel bounding across an open expanse of grass to stash its latest prize may remind us to check our favorite hid! ing places for forgotten treasure. Even if we don’t see actual animals, their representations may hold messages; whether we see them in a shape in the clouds, a picture, or a show on television, their symbolic meaning is the same.
Animals are closer to the rhythms and cycles of nature and have fewer distractions from it than humans do. That is why they are the perfect messengers when we are in need of advice. Just by being themselves they remind us of the wisdom of the universe, and that all answers are available to us when we reconnect with our source and with those who know how to be nurtured by it.
From ancient times the people of Mother Earth have sought visions and messages from the Great Spirit. In the beginning, the Creator communicated with us through our interaction with nature. All of nature is connected at an unseen level. The animals, plants, and rocks all had lessons to teach us and messages to share. The messages helped us survive and provided us with direction, protection, compassion, and healing.
The messages existed in all of Nature but were most predominant in the animal clan. We received the messages and learned the lessons of the animals by studying them and their environment. The animals message is the nature of the animal itself. For example, the message of eagle is about freedom, courage, focus, high ideals, vision , power and spirit. Time to take action , be direct , move forward. It is a symbol of the Creator and a positive sign for those on the spiritual path.
Animals have certain qualities and behavior that you will do well to adopt . Animals constantly teach you how you should behave or what you should do to succeed in your physical world. Another example is , if you are thinking of quitting a project, or letting go of a business venture and you are suddenly invaded by ant, the message is to hang in there. Consider putting more energy into your work . Consult with others for support and new ideas. It is time for team strategy and cooperation. Be patient and don’t give up.
The animals that you are most often drawn to , or fear the most also have something to teach you. Many times animals enter your life to help you overcome difficult transitions. Animals can help you learn what qualities you are most lacking. You need to listen and pay attention to the message of each animal.
If you have a difficult time with self-knowledge , animals can tell you a great deal about yourself. The animals represent the sub-conscious mind. The animals strength and character also reflects human characteristics. First, learn the nature of the animal and then look at what part of your nature is most like that of the animal. The animals that you are attracted to, see in dreams, have encounters with, or collect as stuffed toys , pictures, and figurines can all give you very important information about yourself. Do you like to visit the Zoo, or wear animal tee shirts?
When a particular animal appears in your life you can determine what the underlying message is. Become aware of the repeated appearance of some animals. Synchronistic occurrences teach you to pay attention to the hidden messages in everyday experiences. Become aware of repeated patterns or themes. Each animal has certain medicine powers to teach and knowledge to share. Each animal has its own method of over- coming the many challenges it has met in order to survive. We have always had an alliance with the animal clan. If your connection is weak or has been ignored in the past, it is time to renew your ancient connection with your oldest teacher, the animals .
Earth wisdom comes through many sources, in the Book of Job, we read (12:7-8): " Ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you".
There are many methods of connecting and communicating with Spirit. If you listen and are receptive to its voice, Spirit will reveal its messages through the animals and nature. Connecting with a power animal establishes a psychic link which helps you communicate in non-verbal terms. You can receive additional information by observing the animals natural characteristics and their environment. Pay attention and you will receive practical, healing and helpful messages.
The Great Spirit speaks to us constantly through Nature on many levels. You can learn to predict future experiences by observing Nature and it varied expressions. In order to read signs and symbols you must study your environment and the animals. Get familiar with the birds, insects, animals, colors, odors, sounds and shapes of your environment. Is there something in particular that stands out to you? If you are drawn to it, you may be sure that it has a message for you. Observe your feelings and behavior in specific areas. Be alert to changes and mood shifts. In order to understand the messages and their significance, pay attention . Once you are able to interpret the messages , you will be able to prepare for future experiences.
Discover your Power Animal by paying attention to the information you receive through dreams and close encounters with a particular animal. What is their significance and what is the important message ? Are the messages about survival issues or do they represent something that you are lacking? Examine the animals messages closely for self-empowerment, guidance and healing. Please note, an animal can be a mammal, bird, fish, insect or reptile. Look for your power animal, their qualities and messages, listed below.