Thursday, August 23, 2012


Know the real meaning of Satsang.

In Sanskrit, ‘Sat’ means Truth and ‘Sang’ means ‘being in company of’. So, Satsang means,being in the company of  the Truth and acting for the Truth. REIKI  Pro-Veganismo for help save all animals life and  stop they explotation is  the best satsang we can do.
Usually, when people participate in spiritual discourses or group singing of devotional songs, they think they are in Satsang. This is not wrong but there are many other, better higher ways.
Carry the Reiki  Light Pro Veganism and  Pro-Animal Rights to help animals not to be killed, always is the best satsang we can do because has compassion, peace and love…in everything. If you are carrying the Reiki  Light Pro-Veganism and Pro-Animals Rights  the Light is within you, you are in the company of Truth, and that is Satsang.
Being in a Reiki Pro-Veganism and Animals Rights  Group is good but  if you are alone, you can achieve Satsang too. When you are alone doing Reiki Meditating about Veganism,or even contemplating the light of the veganism,help any animal humane or not humane, you are align with the Divine within when you practice the veganism to help all Animals, you are in Satsang.
When you try to align with the Divine Light of the Reiki Pro- Veganinm and Pro-Animal Rights , whether you are alone or in the company of others does not matter we are instrument to expand more Light and more Consciousness.
When you look and help with Love and Compassion for all living beings and try to experience the big picture, I say, you are in the true Satsang.

The highest level of  Reiki  Light Pro-Veganism and Pro- Animal Rights Satsang is, being with individual and universal  light of the High Power.

Radharani Gayatri

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