Saturday, January 14, 2012

The human animal that eats meat is a drugs person

Carnism we analyze the scourge to feed on corpses, from the perspective espiritual of the higher nature, we need to combat it and help those who fell in it.
Here we speak of the spiritual point of view on these two terrible addiction that we need to fight, and it is so difficult to find a formula to  bring counciousness  appropriate the carnism as are the vices like drugs and alcohol.
If we consider, as is indeed the flesh of a drug effect more slowly, we reached the great scourge of humans that lead to other drugs: the scourge of carnismo!
carnism It is spread throughout the planet. Many fell in carnismo through ignorance, to seek power the  nutritionally superior, and still others by induction from family or midia society of a mass of ignorant and corrupt system. But in reality, the meat and thing derived from animals and is entirely harmful, not just the physical body, or three-dimensional, but also for the spiritual, which also causes terrible damage.



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