Sunday, August 14, 2011


YOU KNOW SOMEONE IS VEGAN WHEN THEY __________ (fill in the blank).

People’s Responses to the question: 

You know someone is really vegan when 
they “act” like a vegan and mince neither meat nor words.
* You know someone is vegan when they never refer to it as a diet.
* You know someone is really vegan when they get angry at dairy 
industry commercials.
* You know someone is really vegan when they look at clothing made
 of wool, 
fur, leather, or any other “skin” and just see horrific pain and suffering.
* You know someone is really vegan when they are ready to talk about
 veganism and answer the same old question for 
the millionth time…because there’s always someone truly interested
 in learning how to avoid animal exploitation.
* You know someone is really vegan when they say “he” or “she”
 rather than “it”, and when they say “who” or “whom” 
rather than “that” and “what” when referring 
to non-human animals.

* You know someone is really vegan when there is no 
way in the world they will ever be tempted by a non-vegan product 
because they can’t look at them without seeing the horrendous 
suffering behind the pretty wrappings.
* You know someone is really vegan when they gently 
relocate insects rather than killing them unnecessarily.
* You know someone is really vegan when they are abolitionist 
and know the true principle of animal rights.
* You know someone is really vegan when they bring 
their own soap to work so they don’t have to use dead animal soap.
* You know someone is really vegan when they have a deep 
connection with, and a true heartfelt awe for all nonhuman beings, 
and refuse to eat or exploit them in any way.
* You know someone is really vegan when they ask (out of habit)
 another vegan ‘is that vegan?’ about something they cooked!
* You know someone is really vegan when 
they can’t even kill a cockroach without feeling guilty.
* You know someone is really vegan when 
they tell a stranger in the grocery store check out line the
 reasons to give up dairy.
* You know someone is really vegan when they can’t see a
 piece of “meat” without imagining the being it was before
 the murder.
* You know someone is really vegan when they look younger than 
their age.
* You know someone is really vegan when they 
don’t automatically kill 
an insect that’s in their way!
* You know someone is really vegan when they refuse to
 take medication with animal ingredients, tested on animals, 
sometimes even to death.
* You know someone is really vegan when they leaflet.
* You know someone is really vegan when they check the 
ingredients of every item they are buying, including those 
they’ve bought before.

* You know someone is really vegan when they care 
enough to nurture other people into becoming vegan.
* You know someone is really vegan when 
they won’t kiss anyone that has flesh-breath.
* You know someone is really vegan when they put their life on 
the line for an animal.
* You know someone is really vegan when they stop coddling
 over-sensitive vegetarians.
* You know someone is really vegan when they refuse 
to go anywhere that has “ham” in the place’s name or 
never shop at Winn Dixie because they call themselves 
‘the beef people’.
* You know someone is really vegan when they cover 
their nose as they hurry past the stinky meat and dairy 
sections of the supermarket.
* You know someone is really vegan when they don’t miss any
 animal products, crave veggies, and look like a walking 
advertisement for cruelty-free living.
* You know someone is really vegan when they catch 
and release mice in their home (and try to keep the family together!).
* You know someone is really vegan when they 
won’t let anyone kill spiders and snakes.
* You know someone is really vegan when they ask waiters
 in restaurants if there are any animal products in the food.
* You know someone is really vegan when they use the 
phrase ‘you cannot be a meat-eating environmentalist’.
* You know someone is really vegan when they object to 
the idea of “happy cows”, free-range chickens and “sustainable” 
animal agriculture as speciesist greenwash.
* You know someone is really vegan when they don’t use 
honey or bee products and is prepared to 
talk about the exploitation of bees.
* You know someone is really vegan when they will balk at the term 
“humane slaughter” calling it an oxymoron.
* You know someone is really vegan when they compare 
factory farms to Nazi death camps.

* You know someone is really vegan when they refer to cats and dogs
 as rescued companion animals and rejects the notion of 
ownership of animals.
* You know someone is really vegan when they refuse 
to ride a horse and objects to horseback riding, even if the
horses are well-treated otherwise.
* You know someone is really vegan when they object 
to the notion of 
zoos and sees them as animal prisons and exploitive.
* You know someone is really vegan when they 
consider artificial insemination of cows to be the
 moral equivalent of rape.
* You know someone is really vegan when they refer 
to eggs as chicken menstruation and honey as bee vomit, 
and makes references to pus and blood in cow’s milk.
* You know someone is really vegan when they say
that cow’s milk is only meant for a cow’s calf.
* You know someone is really vegan when they believe the 
only proper place for cows, pigs, sheep and chickens is on a
farm that is a sanctuary for them.
* You now someone is really vegan when they think ahead and
 clean their kitchen at night so as not to attract rodents that 
companion animals might attack.
* You know someone is really vegan when they promote no-kill shelters; 
rejects high-kill shelters (according to this definition – 
PETA doesn’t qualify as vegan).
* You know someone is really vegan when they reject “welfarism”; 
curses Temple Grandin, and considers 
animals some of his/her best friends.
* You know someone is really vegan when they open the 
at a friend’s house and know they are looking at a large 
section of a pig’s body, not a ham.
* You know someone is really vegan when you see
 them hunched over every label at a grocery store!
* You know someone is really vegan when they are 
repulsed at the smell of animals being cooked.
* You know someone is really vegan when they feed 
a vegan diet to their canine companions.

* You know someone is really vegan when they reject 
the argument that subsistence hunting and culling to keep 
animal populations down is justified.
* You know someone is really vegan when 
they call meat-eaters “carnists” or “corpse-munchers” 
and view them this way.
* You know someone is really vegan when they dread hearing the words, 
“I’m a vegetarian!”
* You know someone is really vegan when they doggedly 
research ways to feed their obligate-carnivore feline companion 
safely, without relying on slaughterhouses.
* You know someone is really vegan when they know that 
being vegan is not enough…it’s simply the starting point…
we need
 to be activists! We need to educate and reach out to others.
* You know someone is really vegan when they had their 
violin bow re-strung with synthetics.

* You know someone is really vegan when they "google" 
vegan restaurants before they've even visited the town!

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