Sunday, July 24, 2011


Sees equality in every thing in the image of his own self is one important of all spiritual lessons, is the need to truly feel the pain of others living beings as our own. This might sound simple and familiar but it is neither.Then we realize how distant we are from this spiritual level so that we know how far we need to develop our highself. 
We all have a natural feeling of compassion when we hear of other people's problems but about animals is diferent.There is a great distance between that feeling of compassion and truly feeling the pain of  all living being as our own this includ all animals humane and non humane. 
Even when it comes to small ailments —all of which we have experienced—it’s not easy for some people awaken feelings for animal pain and discomfort as we do for ourselves. And this is so much more so when some animal is going through an even greater challenge, one that we might not have experienced like feel the suffering of animals at slaughterhouses,experiments with animals in laboratory and school of the medicine,prisoners in circus, cages, tied up in backyards in cold or hot weather and so on the list is big.
.You may well ask why we need to develop an ever-stronger feeling for the pain of the animals.
One reason is driving our spiritual growth and our desire to help the world. If our desire for spiritual growth is limited to our own need for fulfillment.
 Our work can and will assist countless others, and we need to appreciate our power, no matter where we are in the chain of life. We are transform by compassion,we influence the quantum to transform and developed love..
Another reason to develop our ability to feel the animals is the nature of the Creator. And it is a spiritual universal law that when we act like the Creator, we experience the Light of the Creator. In other words, we receive more blesses we are seeking every day of our lives.
Many people might feel that they know compassion this impotant spiritual truth. But we all have to ask ourselves, “Do I really feel the all living being pain humane and non humane ?” Get in the habit of asking this question in every situation that confronts you—with animals every day you interact.
This week, help some animals in pain.  Meditate about how many animals are abused e negleted in    this world.
Take the first big step being Vegan imagine our world with a little less pain.



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