Organic Wheat Grass Zen Garden for pets and people
Wheatgrass benefits are huge. It’s one of the most widely used supplemental foods. It has a large amount of natural vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll and enzymes that feed your cells. By feeding your cells these complete nutrients, it helps your body to detoxify toxins. Wheatgrass benefits make it perfect for athletes, health conscious, mommies, kids, pets, dieters or anyone that suffers from ill health or wants to prevent ailments.
For Use as Chew,Eat,Juice,Treats and Decorative Ornamental
Pets ornamental wheat grass kit is perfect for decorative growing or providing vital nutrients to your pets, and may also prevent them from eating your houseplants. Dogs & cats love wheatgrass! Your pets will thank you!
- Pets Love Wheat grass!

- A great option to grow wheatgrass for decorative / ornamental purposes
- Party, table center pieces, interior decoration and more
Help pets digestion * Keeps pets out of houseplants
For Use as a Decorative Ornamental Kit:
Whether the snow is still blowing outside or your spring bulbs are already making their appearance,Wheat Zen Garden the beauty is in the air. One way for your need to bring spring indoors by you living decorations.
Wheat grass is not only decorative, but also highly nutritional. Wheatgrass is full of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The juice is reported to have many health benefits due to the high concentration of chlorophyll, Vitamins B-12, B-6, K & C, and beta-carotene.
For Use as Pet Grass
Pets instinctively chew & eat grass to obtain vitamins, minerals and live enzymes provided by fresh, raw, whole foods. Unlike their pets typically do not have access to a ready supply of healthy greens such as Pet Grass.
Pets Wheat Grass Zen Garden gives them these vital nutrients they would otherwise miss, and may also prevent them from eating your houseplants.
Dogs and cats that go outdoors will eat grass, but it has little or if any nutritional value.Grass in your yard or parks may also have been treated with chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which could be harmful to your pets. Offering them Pet Grass zen garden is a safer, healthy alternative.
Pet Grass Zen Garden may improve bad breath due to the high chlorophyll content found in wheatgrass. Pet Grass aids in digestion and hairball control.
Adding greens to pets diets helps to balance the nutrients your pets need for good health.
Cats can be finicky. So if at first your cat does not take to the Pet Grass, try spritzing it with water. In licking the water cats will often discover the grass and realize it is a treat. If your pet does not like the Pet Grass but you would like them to benefit from its nutritional properties, try chopping it up and adding it to their food.
Wheatgrass for pets is a treat! But it shouldn’t be. It should be a part of their daily diet. Dogs and cats absolutely love fresh wheatgrass.Get freshr trays and soon youI bring it in home they run straight too it and put their face in it, sniffing and rubbing it. It’s more appealing to them then catnip. It's like they just know that they should have it. And I'm telling you, they go absolutely bonkers for it!
The benefits of wheatgrass for pets are the same for humans. It will help to detoxify and purify their blood, remove body odors, give them energy, and provide essential nutrients to their body.
Wheat grass is loaded with high concentrations ofchlorophyll, active enzymes, carotene, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients known to promote healthy gums and digestion, detoxification and development of healthy blood and muscle tissue. Wheat grass also satisfies pets' instinctual cravings for greens, providing a safe alternative to harmful household plants and chemically treated outside grasses.
Here are some of the wheatgrass benefits for pets
- Nutritionally complete food
- Studies by scientists have shown it to never be toxic in animals or humans
- Gives energy & stamina
- Reverses illness
- Protection of toxins- including aging and combats free radicals
- Rejuvenates blood
- Helps shed pounds by detoxifying the body
- DNA repair
- Blood cleansing and building abilities of chlorophyll
- Builds blood and stimulates circulation
- Stimulates and regenerates the liver
- Deodorizes body
Wheatgrass is absolutely safe for pets.. This includes dogs, cats, hamsters,Rabitts etc. In fact, because it has so many nutrients and a high concentration of chlorophyll it will do nothing but good for them. Cats and dogs can digest the wheatgrass fiber well, unlike humans, which bodies do better with wheatgrass juice.
Here are some of the ways you can help your pets get wheatgrass into their diets
I believe that most animals instinctively know what’s good for them when presented the choice.
Homemade food: If you make your own cat or dog food, be sure to include wheatgrass in the mix. Add it to your blender, food processor or meat grinder when making the food.
Homemade treats: Include some fiber in your treats to add extra nutrition.
Wounds: If your pet happens to get in a little accident and has some open wounds, then make a poultice with the pulp and juice and apply directly on the wound, secured with a cloth or bandage if possible. If not, use the juice to clean it out as a rinse.
A tray left out for a snack: I prefer to leave a small tray of wheatgrass next to their food bowl whenever I can. This way, they can have a healthy snack anytime of day.
Add it to their water bowl: By adding some fresh wheatgrass juice to thier water, they will get the most benefit. You could even put just a little in a tiny bowl for them, to lick it up.
You'll want to give them less then .5 oz of juice to start for small animals, and if it's a big dog, they should be able to handle 1 oz. But be careful, it might give them a lot of energy so you might need to have a shot of juice yourself!
Our Pet Grass are 100% organic and pesticide free and safe for all pets and people.