Thursday, August 23, 2012


Know the real meaning of Satsang.

In Sanskrit, ‘Sat’ means Truth and ‘Sang’ means ‘being in company of’. So, Satsang means,being in the company of  the Truth and acting for the Truth. REIKI  Pro-Veganismo for help save all animals life and  stop they explotation is  the best satsang we can do.
Usually, when people participate in spiritual discourses or group singing of devotional songs, they think they are in Satsang. This is not wrong but there are many other, better higher ways.
Carry the Reiki  Light Pro Veganism and  Pro-Animal Rights to help animals not to be killed, always is the best satsang we can do because has compassion, peace and love…in everything. If you are carrying the Reiki  Light Pro-Veganism and Pro-Animals Rights  the Light is within you, you are in the company of Truth, and that is Satsang.
Being in a Reiki Pro-Veganism and Animals Rights  Group is good but  if you are alone, you can achieve Satsang too. When you are alone doing Reiki Meditating about Veganism,or even contemplating the light of the veganism,help any animal humane or not humane, you are align with the Divine within when you practice the veganism to help all Animals, you are in Satsang.
When you try to align with the Divine Light of the Reiki Pro- Veganinm and Pro-Animal Rights , whether you are alone or in the company of others does not matter we are instrument to expand more Light and more Consciousness.
When you look and help with Love and Compassion for all living beings and try to experience the big picture, I say, you are in the true Satsang.

The highest level of  Reiki  Light Pro-Veganism and Pro- Animal Rights Satsang is, being with individual and universal  light of the High Power.

Radharani Gayatri

Monday, August 6, 2012


Você já ouvir falar sobre a semente de linhaça? Atualmente ouve-se falar sobre esta sementinha que apresenta benefícios maravilhosos à saúde, como melhorar o trabalho do trânsito intestinal, devido às fibras presentes, além de possuir propriedades funcionais em sua composição. Saiba a seguir um pouco mais sobre a linhaça.
De origem asiática, a semente de linhaça pertence à família Linácea. Existem dois tipos: a linhaça dourada e a marrom. Não há diferença na composição nutricional entre os dois tipos, ou seja, possuem os mesmos nutrientes, porém a marrom é cultivada em regiões de clima quente e úmido, com uso de agrotóxicos e a dourada é plantada em regiões frias e cultivada de forma orgânica.
semente de linhaça é fonte de ácidos graxos ômega 3 e ômega 6, minerais, vitaminas e fibras, além de um composto chamado lignana. Justamente por ter estas propriedades, é considerado um alimento funcional. Dessa forma torna-se um alimento saudável e indicado para incluir na alimentação da população. Uma colher de sopa de semente de linhaça tem aproximadamente 66 kcal.
A linhaça é a fonte mais rica de lignana, que é um composto fitoquímico que, segundo estudos, pode atuar na prevenção do câncer de mama e, por apresentar uma estrutura química similar ao estrógeno, pode ajudar a prevenir os sintomas da menopausa.
As fibras regulam o intestino, pois desempenham papel importante no trânsito intestinal, aumentando o bolo fecal. Ajudam a normalizar os índices de colesterol e glicose sanguínea e previnem o câncer de cólon. Uma colher de sopa de semente de linhaça tem 4,3g de fibras.
Ácidos graxos ômega 3 e ômega 6
Este tipo de gordura é antioxidante e proporciona benefícios ao organismo, como impedir a formação de placas de ateroma e conseqüentemente prevenir doenças cardiovasculares; ajudar na construção de moléculas de hemoglobina, que carregam o oxigênio pelo sangue; renovação celular; estimular a produção de prostaglandinas, compostos que melhoram a circulação sanguínea e removem o excesso de sódio dos rins; diminuir ainda a retenção de líquidos e atuar no sistema imunológico.
Vitaminas e minerais
semente de linhaça tem as seguintes vitaminas e minerais: vitaminas A, E, B1, B6, B12, potássio, sódio, magnésio, fósforo, ferro, cobre, zinco, manganês e selênio. Cada uma dessas vitaminas e minerais tem funções importantes no organismo humano.
Forma de preparo
Os benefícios da linhaça se potencializam quando a semente é moída ou triturada. Você pode incluir em preparações como bolos, tortas, sopas ou acrescentar em frutas, iogurtes, vitaminas, etc.
Diante das propriedades nutricionais encontradas na semente de linhaça, acredito ser um alimento muito nutritivo, portanto inclua em seu cardápio junto com os demais alimentos de grupos variados e tenha uma boa nutrição.
Roberta SilvaNutricionista - CRN-3 14.113

Friday, August 3, 2012


Pet theft is on the rise. The American Kennel Club, which has been tracking pet thefts since 2007, reported a 32% increase in dog thefts last year.
While some animals are snatched from their yards or during home invasions, opportunistic thieves most commonly steal dogs left in cars or tied up outside stores. In the ASPCA’s hometown of New York City, dognappings skyrocket every summer as pet parents take advantage of nice weather to combine dog-walking with errand-running.
Protect Your PetAvoid becoming a victim of this heartbreaking crime!
  • When running errands around town, visit pet-friendly establishments or please leave your dog at home.
  • Keep a close eye on your pet in designated off-leash areas, where he could become a target for criminals looking to make a quick buck. (Pet thieves often try to resell—or even hold for ransom—stolen dogs.)
  • Avoid leaving your pet unattended in the front yard, especially if your lawn is exposed or accessible.
  • The same rules apply for leaving your pet tied up outside a store. In addition to being vulnerable to theft and teasing, your dog might escape or get injured.
  • Microchip your pet! Microchipping can often mean the difference between temporary and permanent separation from your furry loved one.
For more important information about what to do if your pet is missing, please read our article on Finding a Lost Pet.
Pet Care
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Pet Stealing
Thu, 08/02/2012 - 17:17 — Sharon Harris (Visitor)
yes, everyone should be careful about watching their pets. All three of mine are chipped now. But one day it was cool and as I was about to leave them in a locked car with the moon roof slightly open for airflow, when a lady walked over telling me to avoid leaving them in there at all, she had been told of someone, even in mall or store lots, breaking in by the roof to remove med to small dogs! I thanked her, took them home, and returned later. I was unaware these thieves were in our area, and am still thankful to her for taking the time to warn me of the possibility of losing our beloved pets. Thanks for spreading great information.

Urban Dog Etiquette

How to properly promenade your pooch in public
City-dwelling dogkeepers are faced with greater challenges than their suburban and rural counterparts. Without a large, fenced yard for exercise, the city dweller must take to the streets three or more times a day with Fido or Fifi in tow. Crowded sidewalks replete with joggers, construction scaffolding and double-wide strollers turn each outing into an obstacle course. The following tips will make walks safer and more enjoyable for you, your dog and your neighbors.
It's the Law
Most cities and counties have some form of leash, license and pick-up-after-your-dog laws. These ordinances are designed to protect both the dog and the community at large. When leashed, a dog is safe from traffic and unable to follow his instincts to chase children, investigate garbage cans or dig up landscaping. Whether a dog is friendly or aggressive, a leash keeps him in check and allows the public to pass undisturbed. Some communities have leash-length restrictions. Whether it's the law or not, keep leashes to six feet or less on public sidewalks. Retractable leashes should not be used in areas frequented by joggers, skaters or cyclists; the thin line blends into the background and,all too often, athlete and dog collide.
Licensing a dog enables an animal control agency to return a lost pet to his rightful owner. Also, licensing fees often support local animal control efforts. In addition, the number of licenses issued gives government officials an idea of how many dogs are in the community, statistics that are very helpful when planning dog runs, shelter expansions and the like.
Pooper-scooper laws are essential for both the health and beautification of the community. Canine diseases and parasites are often shed in feces, which puts other dogs and children at risk. And no one enjoys maneuvering through unsightly piles of dog waste when out for a stroll. Pick up feces using a plastic bag, and knot the top to control odor and flies before disposing of it in a waste receptacle. Train your dog to urinate in gutters or on nonliving vertical surfaces, such as lampposts or hydrants. Avoid trees and flowerbeds.
Etiquette Lessons and Safety Tips
The well-trained city dog needs to respond to a minimum of four basic commands: “Sit-Stay,” “Heel,” “Leave it” and “Come.” When you’re waiting at a traffic light, a dog in a sitstay is out of harm’s way. And while walking nicely on a loose leash is enough for most forays, there are times when your dog will need to be at heel position, which keeps her under control at your side.
The command “Leave it” is employed when it is necessary for Fido to avert his gaze. Whether he’s being tantalized by chicken bones or a jogger, getting your dog to break eye contact with “forbidden fruit” before he acts enables you to draw his attention to safer rewards and pursuits. Or, should the dog slip his collar or break his leash, a recall command (“Come”) could save his life. Most, if not all, of these commands are taught in basic obedience/manners class. Contact your local shelter for a referral to a class near you.
Remember that dogs can be frightened by sudden loud noises, such as running children, motorcycles, skateboarders and in-line skaters, to name a few. Be aware that such situations may demand quick and complete control on your part to prevent your dog from lunging or biting.
Before leaving home to run errands with your dog by your side, take a moment to consider which places permit dogs and which do not. For your pet’s safety, leave him at home when he is not allowed to go into an establishment with you. A dog left tied to a post or parking meter is an easy target for teasing or theft.
Remember the Good Neighbor Policy
Keep in mind that not everyone loves dogs, so it’s up to the urban dogkeeper to present a dog who is well-socialized and under control. When riding in an elevator, sit your dog in a far corner to avoid door-dashing each time the elevator makes a stop. Do not allow Fido to jump up on other riders, even when the greeting is friendly. Hurry through lobbies or take freight elevators and back exits if the building rules mandate it. Never allow your dog to soil in front of the building’s entrance. If you have a young pup or dog-in-training who can’t control himself, be sure to carry paper towels and odor neutralizer.
Many dogs enjoy the company of other canines, but always ask before allowing your animal to launch himself at another dog—for both their sakes. The same is true regarding children. First ask the child or her parent, “May my dog say hello to you?” before allowing physical contact. The greeting should not include jumping, bouncing off or grabbing at the child—even if it is done in the spirit of friendliness. If your dog is physically challenging, consider using a head halter for better control.
When we choose to keep dogs in crowded urban areas, we take on additional responsibilities. Unfortunately, when little consideration is shown for the neighbors, more doors close to dogkeepers. On the other hand, with a little training and thoughtfulness, more businesses and public areas will begin to put out the welcome mat for both you and your dog.